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hot-sauce Rocketman's Original Jamaica Me Hot Sauce

Rocketman has created a new sauce.....and has sent it to a few of us THP'ers for a first impression.....

I hope that future posters are more thorough than I am....as I'm dead dog tired and won't do this yummy sauce justice.

I have no pics.....yet.


-Red Habanero
-Sweet Potato
-"spices" ;)

However, I couldn't wait to try this sauce....cause it's been calling to me from my bar since yesterday afternoon. :shocked:

So....I opened it. And, with absolutely NO FOOD to try it with....here's my take:

The initial flavor is mainly habanero....and possibly sweet potato (which gives it a really unique, creamy consistency) which I really like. With the list of raisins and pineapple, I was expecting a really sweet sauce, which was not the case. It has a VERY tiny hint of sweet undertones, but not enough to limit the uses to put it to. I'm still thinking southwest/Mexican with this one...but I'm betting it'd be great with many more types of cuisines.

Heat is quite livable. I'm giving it a 4-5 out of 10.

Honest summary.......AWESOME sauce with only two main gripes:

1) Had to take out the shaker top. :rofl:
2) Needs a bit more salt....but not TOO much!

I feel honored to be one of the first to try Rockeman's new sauce. I look forward to more!!!! :clap: