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Rockwool roots

Look at these air roots:cool:

When can i put it into the next size cube? Wait till it gets more rooty?
Yellow scorpion - CARDI (Cmpman)


I wait, on average, until I see more roots than that, maybe twice as many. I have transplanted with roots as shown and it worked fine.
Im not an expert but I usually wait till there are heaps more coming out. Probably a little too long as I can never find time to pot things up but they all seem to take off really well. Just makes sure you have enough moisture round them. I have mine sitting on a tray with holes and below is another tray with perlite. I make sure the water is touching the second tray every day. By having the perlite there you avoid root shock also.
Thanks for the info.

They dry out pretty fast but I have placed mine in cups surrounded by hydroton and this keeps them damp for 48hours or so.
Nice starts in rockwool cubes, I never have any luck or patience starting with cubes. Are you going to grow hydroponically or just planting the cubes in soil? If in soil I'd go ahead and plant in small containers won't hurt. Again nice roots for such a young seedling.
Cheers cappy. I'm just getting some practice for when I start my 10 hydro plants to be ready to transplant in systems in May.

So far its worked well and no problems yet. I condition the cubes in ph'd water for 24 hours and put the seeds in. Then once they pop us I give them 1/3 strength GHE flora nutrients. im still at this stage and will increase the nutes slightly when they have a few sets of true leaves.

This one im going to put into a large cube so I can get a time scale for a fully rooted big cube ready for transplant.

So far im liking the rockwool but we are still in early days.

All I do is soak in rain water (ph 5.5 - 6.0 ish) for a few hours. Shake excess water out. Put in seed and wait for him to pop up. Then give 1/3 strength GHE flora nutes. I also allow some run off from time to time to flush the unused nutrient out.
