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indoor Rocoto: better off indoors?

Right now, all of my plants are outside in my backyard. They get direct sunlight from 8 am to about noon, shade from a nearby tree from noon to about 5, then a little late sun coming across from about 5 to 7 pm. With the temperatures here in Texoma getting into the 100+ degree range (including two days at 108 last week, officially the warmest outdoor temperature I've ever been in), would it be smarter to move anything indoors?

This is especially regarding my rocotos. I have a total of three of them right now, which I started from seed about a month after all my others plants. They're much smaller than anything else I'm growing right now, which I'd believe partly to be due to the later planting date, but perhaps somewhat to do with the weather.

Everything else I have is doing just fine. My only major concern is with the rocotos. We keep the house at around 70 at night and 75 during the day and I have a small grow light that I could use on them. I would need to build some sort of cage though to keep my cats away. I've already made one from chicken wire when I started my seeds, so making another wouldn't be much of a problem.

So would it be smarter to bring them indoors, or let them stay outside?
100+ Are you kidding? C. Pubescens grow well in cooler climates, but will do albsolutly dreadfull in anything warm! Even 80F is pushing it!

Dont just bring it indoors, install an AC!
RichardK said:
100+ Are you kidding? C. Pubescens grow well in cooler climates, but will do albsolutly dreadfull in anything warm! Even 80F is pushing it!

Dont just bring it indoors, install an AC!

+1. Although they grew decent for me in LA during the hot summers, but only when it started to cool down in the Fall did it REALLY start to do it's thing.
We have the AC on in here all the time-- 65-75 most of the time. I've moved them indoors for now, probably until late September or so, as that's when everything will finally get down into the 70's and 80's again.