pubescens Rocoto Gelb Riesen

Typical large podded yellow variety. Literally translates to yellow giant. I have another large yellow growing that is more prolific,but these are super blocky and uniform,really nice genes. I am biased to the flavors of yellow and orange pods so I won't go into a lot of detail.  Less grassy and more fruity than reds and heat that is average for this species. These are good if you want large pods in a short season. Six to 7 months from seed to ripe pods.







Great looking GR!   I've never seen a lower growth layer like that on one before.  Kinda looks like the swamp Monster on Scooby Doo with veggie arms and legs. 
I have a couple second year GR's running now and really like them. One has the big blocky yellow pods and the other finishes a bit rounder and more orange.  Both are MVP's and already signed for a third season.
Walchit said:
I always know its gonna be a good one when I see you posted. I grew coyote can white based off of one of your posts.
Thanks. I don't have much time or interest for gardening anymore but I like posting one or two of these to get people inspired to get away from the superhot craze. Glad you grew out the CZW. Damn cool plant.
Chilidude said:
6-7 months from seed to ripe pods, sounds almost too good to be true and if that is even half true, i have to try one plant perhaps next season.
Fins and Germans are the best pube growers in the world in my opinion. You will do well with these in your greenhouse. In that situation,I would go with hanging baskets or flood and drain for the sturdier varieties.
Those are some great looking pods JB!
Do you do anything special when it comes to cooking or eating them...any recipes you like to try?
Heard you were lookin' for a poem....careful whatcha wish for!
There was a man with small-sized hands
who'd rail against Dems and Fake News,
then boast of his Great business plans.
It seems no one could see the clues - 
That he'd rule from his padded cell,
now impeached in absentia,
with no lie he can truly tell,
because he has dementia!