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seeds Rocoto Seeds...How Long to Germinate?

I sowed some Rocoto Red seeds tonite that I received in trade with a forum member. I started these seeds first as I read that they take a very long time to germinate.

What has been your experience germinating Rocoto seeds? My soil is being heated by a pad and is at or about 80 degrees.
Mine poped up within the week on the window cill in some dirt.

Grew into a huge plant too. 1.5 meters wide and 2 meters high in the end.

Only got one pepper from it due to Fruit Flys liking them a lot but i have found very very good traps for them now, and will be growing a Rocotto again next year.

Yeah, 1 - 2 weeks seems to be about right.

Im growing about 5 - 6 different types of pubescens this year, they all seem to be similar in germination times.
tony05 said:
Mine poped up within the week on the window cill in some dirt.

Grew into a huge plant too. 1.5 meters wide and 2 meters high in the end.

Only got one pepper from it due to Fruit Flys liking them a lot but i have found very very good traps for them now, and will be growing a Rocotto again next year.


All my rocotos were infected with flies larva,the first peppers were OK but everything after late august ,sept Oct were infected.
Could you share with us how you will use traps or other remedies??
Thanks Regards
Last year only 1 of mine germinated! However I have 8 out of 10 that have germinated so far. It took about 2 weeks in a room of 80F