Rooftop View 2007-07-01

Notice the 'volunteer' tomatillo against the garage-it's almost taller than anything else!
Wow! Looks great!

I'm starting to feel woefully inadequate after seeing how well organized y'all's gardens are.
Thanks guys! The 2 middle beds are new this year- we got tired of mowing and weed-whacking around islands of pots! This will prob. be the last year for the large orange planters and the bed with sand will be 'completed' in the fall. Still too many pots to water!
I know how you feel Brooke. My number of pots will be reduced next year too. It's too much trouble to have 40+ pots in the summer. I'd rather plant in the ground since my raised beds seem to finally amended to the point where they can produce OK. Not great, but OK.

And I would need to rob a bank to pay for the amount of potting soil needed to replenish the pots. I used to think I was doing myself a favor planting in huge pots (24 inch). I think it's a bad idea. Too much soil, not enough oxygen. I'll be happy with maybe 12-15 pots that are 12" or 14" in diameter.


setzuanfire said:
Thanks guys! The 2 middle beds are new this year- we got tired of mowing and weed-whacking around islands of pots! This will prob. be the last year for the large orange planters and the bed with sand will be 'completed' in the fall. Still too many pots to water!
Hey, Chris! Yeah, go with the raised beds if you can, much less hassle, your soil temps will be a little warmer, you'll have bigger plants, better drainage, cole crops in the cool season, etc. Geez, what kind of fanatics have 40+ pots in their yard???:lol:
setzuanfire, watch it, I resemble that remark. i also have many pots (68) but also many in the ground as well and you are correct it is a pain to water so I will be expanding the garden again next year and eliminating many pots (at least 7)LOL. Wait a minute if I expand the garden next year and still keep all the pots that would mean more peppers Yeah thats what I'll do instead.

setzuanfire said:
Geez, what kind of fanatics have 40+ pots in their yard???:lol:

I bet your neighbors have said the same thing about you :lol: I wonder if they'd be afraid to be invited to dinner since seeing all those chile plants & thinking about the aftermath from your food ;):hell:

yea I'm also guilty with having 44 containers in the yard.