Rookie eats Butch T

So a young man comes by my shop yesterday and says he wants to try a super hot pepper. Well I told him to stop by tomorrow and I'd bring him one. So he stops by today and wants to eat it so I ask him 2× are you sure telling him this pepper is nuclear hot but he puffs out his chest and says let me have it.Ok big boy I let him have it a Butch T and he throws the whole thing in his mouth and starts chomping away.Well in about 30-45 seconds he starts hiccuping insainly water pouring from his eyes and all he can manage to say is uh oh!! I could see panic in his eyes his face is glowing red along with his eyes and he is shaking pretty bad so in about 5 minutes I hand him a bottle of milk to help a little. About 30 minutes later he is doing better and looks at me and says well I ask for it and got way more than I expected. He left happy but I don't think he wants any more super hot for a while he said he would stick to habaneros from now on.