Rooting Question

I am trying to clone a plant.  I have a cutting inside a plastic waste bottle.  Normally when I clone houseplants, I just leave it anywhere in my apartment and it eventually (can take up to one month though) roots, but with Chiles, I've never had success—Yes I tried rooting hormone once.  Would it help he process if I left the bottle on my windowsill, or put it under my T-5 grow light?
I haven't cloned a chile plant but if I did I would try to put it in something that would allow me to use an airstone and treat the water with superthrive.
Its basically an air pump and stone that you would use in a fish aquarium. Any pet store will have a wide selection but the smallest most inexpensive pump will do the trick. It will run you about $15 and about $2 for the air stone usually sold separate.
They sell smaller pumps than this but I have a couple of these for dwc..

Something smaller like what you find in the aquarium section at Walmart would work though.. The stone in the link above might be a little big to get in that bottle. You could always use a bucket and lid with a hole in it though..

This works best IMO and cheap to build. I built one for around 40 bucks and you can always cheat and buy the manifold off eBay

Here's parts to build one easily

After that all you'd need would be a bucket and lid..
Look around.. You might be able to find some of this stuff cheaper. Example the net pots and neoprene collars come together in ten packs sometimes.
smileyguy697 said:
They sell smaller pumps than this but I have a couple of these for dwc..

Something smaller like what you find in the aquarium section at Walmart would work though.. The stone in the link above might be a little big to get in that bottle. You could always use a bucket and lid with a hole in it though..

This works best IMO and cheap to build. I built one for around 40 bucks and you can always cheat and buy the manifold off eBay

Here's parts to build one easily

After that all you'd need would be a bucket and lid..
Thanks for the info - I'm checking it out - Not sure if I care enough about this cutting enough to spend any money, but I will look at the stuff.
What's your take on my original question—Should I place the plastic water bottle with the cutting inside by the windowsill or under my T-5?  Will this help it root?
dragon49 said:
Thanks for the info - I'm checking it out - Not sure if I care enough about this cutting enough to spend any money, but I will look at the stuff.
What's your take on my original questionShould I place the plastic water bottle with the cutting inside by the windowsill or under my T-5?  Will this help it root?
Keep it in indirect light until it roots. I'm doubting it will root without moving air bubbles in the water though. Bet you could find a cheap-o air pump and stone at Walmart. As long as the cut is in the bubbles I can almost guarantee it will root in about 2 weeks.
Just change the water daily, or do it in dirt with a dome. Zero cost. I've never tried to root a pepper this way, but it works for just aboot anything....
miguelovic said:
Just change the water daily, or do it in dirt with a dome. Zero cost. I've never tried to root a pepper this way, but it works for just aboot anything....
Ah -so perhaps the exposed to air water in my plastic bottle gets contaminated and it is better for rooting to have clean water daily.  I'm taking your advice starting now—We'll see if this helps.  
I thought you had a typo with "aboot," but see you are truly West coast Canadian! :)