Rubbing chili on your genitals is patented

I'm really surprised they was awarded a patent considering that it's pretty much nothing more than a idea (poor one at that). Doesn't even state amounts, or the product used.. just mentions putting chili powder or extract into a type of lubricant (also something they don't have patented of their own) 
do note that their patent has lapsed due to non payment though. 
Usually the first indication that I still have cap on my hands is the random burning sensation of my genitals. I'd hardly call it erotic or an aphrodisiac. but hey... if feeling like fire ants are biting your junk and pissing sulfuric acid on them is your thing... more power to you. 
twisted freak. 

I may just order this badboy.....for science.. yes for science.
View attachment 26504
Yeah, good indicator. Another good indicator is the eyes. Typically happens to me in meetings, when one of my superiors is looking me right in the eye and explaining something.
Fwiw, I hope you didn't get me wrong with the skid mark comment. It's not a positive. Like when a girl yells out, "Boom, pregnant!" during sex. Definately calls for a cigarette and a team regrouping.
You know something Doc, I used to have a store in an arts district.  Lived in the back,walking distance the university bars and had an art school down the way.  Brought lots of women back from the bars over the course of my bachelor-ship years there.  Never once did I think to examine their under wear afterwards.  You are an interesting fella.
This rates about eleventy on my Weird-Shit-O-Meter.
Weird o meter.jpg
ajdrew said:
You know something Doc, I used to have a store in an arts district.  Lived in the back,walking distance the university bars and had an art school down the way.  Brought lots of women back from the bars over the course of my bachelor-ship years there.  Never once did I think to examine their under wear afterwards.  You are an interesting fella.
sometimes the aroma would tip you off !  lol
Has intravenous injection of chiles been patented already? Or perhaps a capsaicin enema? Actually, the first one might be an alternative to the stuff they use for lethal injections.. 
DocHolliday said:
Like when a girl yells out, "Boom, pregnant!" during sex. Definately calls for a cigarette and a team regrouping.
Bwah hah hah hah hah, this & the skidmarks comment - you're killing me