Sad News

Well finished replanting all the ungerminated chile's finished up my final preps in the light tank and realized something.I have no more Hot Chile seeds (variety wise) to plant(the sad news lol).I only have 2 seed varities left,both mild and sweet(already have some growing to keep g/f happy lol)
gonna be a long spring/summer for me tending to plants and a new puppy :)(puppy search is ongoing but got the name ready)
now I have to find time for my online fly sales :lol:
But I already have some wants for the fall/winter seedwise
Trin Scorpions and 7 pod lolol
oh and Happy Easter Everyone
Sorry about the mileading title.I did lose my transplanted Jalapeno so that was sad but since I can get Jala's by the dozens in the markets here it dulls the sadness:)
Actually both.The yr round ones I get at the Italian Fruit Market are hot and the Fall ones I get and the Apple Orchard(i know weird that they have them there) they also have Habs and a few other kinds that are $1.09 a pound and they are really hot.The local Supermarket chains are not as hot but still in a pinch, good.
I really thought this was going to be horrible news. Like, "My pepper addiction has caused me to snap and I am now addmitting myself to the psyche ward".....what a let down, man.

I have some mystery hot pepper seeds if you still have time to start some. They're in a zip bag in a second zip bag and they still make me sneeze! I'd have to ask Phil and Laura if they remember all the varieties that might e in there.
Haha, I also thought that AT LEAST all your plants or your fave sauce maker had died overnight - if not sth worse.....