contest salsalady vs. Coach

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The Hot Pepper


salsalady (Reigning Champ) vs. Coach (Challenger)

Throwdown: Cajun or Creole dish

You must create a Cajun or Creole dish. The focus is on the main dish, no side dishes unless it is necessary for the meal.

Proof of Life = .50 (coins in one picture totaling the amount)

You may post as many teaser pics, and progress pics as you want.

You must create one official entry post with a name for your creation, ingredients, cooking methods, and TWO MAX presentation pics! Choose the best. If you wish to add more pics make sure you do so in unofficial entry posts before your final post.

Must have a hot pepper ingredient.

Those are the rules. If you have questions please get together with your competitor to figure it out.


ENDS Sunday 11:59 pm EDT
Good Luck, Coach!

Time to stop pussy-footing around and get cookin'! :dance:
Logchief, This Cooler's For You!


Of Course, You do realize that we will have to restock the cooler right before you come visit us....cuz this stuff will be gone in a heartbeat!
I don't understand the drinking of light beer. Unless you have a very attractive toilet you want to keep visiting all night.
I had a few Ingredients pics, but then found out the memory card wasn't in the camera, and now the prep pics don't mean much, but...

just a couple-

You KNOW where this is going-!

and the saucies-clockwise from top left-
salad dressing for ?
cocktail sauce
cajun mustard
tarter sauce

All the prep pictures for these are on the internal memory of the camera, which we cannot access without the cable...which has been lost..........for quite some time.........

long story...never mind.
Wha?????? A french toast po'boy????????????????????????????
I don't understand the drinking of light beer. Unless you have a very attractive toilet you want to keep visiting all night.

DON"T ASK ME, Megamoo! But the SoFlo posse, Paulky, Logchief and many others swear by it. I thought it would be a good "callingcard" to put out there for the td...and also since we have some ( uuummm, let's say..."IMBIBERS" [which are not to be confused with BIEBERS] coming over for the party.) For myself, I'm looking forward to the rummy-fruity Hurricane tomorrow. And if that don't cut the mustard, there's always time to re-wine.

OOOooo! THP! Now THAT'S an idea..........but...NO!
...kinda looks like the beginnings of a Pecan Pie to me. :)

nope, bread pudding with praline sauce.

here's my last teaser song- what could it be?

We played this sing in our garage band back in the day. I programmed my synth to sound like the song's synth. Eddie is totally not playing the right notes in the video. :lol:
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