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review SalsaLady's Texas Creek BBQ sauce and Chipotle Dip Review

So I received an message from Salsalady about a week and a half ago asking if she could send me some BBQ sauce to review and see what I thought, and obviously I was more than happy to do so.

Today I got the package in the mail, and I was pleasently surprised to see how big of a bottle it was that she sent me, as well as a bonus package of her Gourmet CHipotle Dip Mix, and boy do I love dips

I am going to also give the product to JayT today as well so he can take it home and review it, and I will make the dip this weekend and put in my two cents as well.

Pictures of the goods


Ingredients in the sauce: mustard, cider vinegar, sugar, brown sugar, spices, butter, chipotle powder, liquid smoke, bhut jolokia powder, wheat free tamari.

Ingredients in the dip: blend of spices and peppers, tomato powder, salt, and xanthan.

First appearance: Dark red, slightly brown, specks of peppers and spices evident when I let the sauce run down the back of a tablespoon.

Smell: Holy chipotle batman! Very up front initially. The sweetness of the brown sugar is evident at the finish, and I get a slight slight linger of the Bhuts in there. Mustard is there but not prevelent, and it blends very nicely with the smokey hints of a classic BBQ sauce. Not vinegary at all, which is a huge bonus for me. All in all very pleasant and not overwhelming whatsoever.

Mouthfeel: The bottle is around 60 degrees, and the sauce is neither thick nor runny. Very coating, a little chalky but im sure once the sauce is cooked that will dissolve the sugar and make the sauce more creamy.

Taste: Chipotle again, right up front and in your face, and the smoke is definitely there too. The Bhut is right behind it, as well what I assume to be the tamari, as I havent had tamari sauce and this is the only flavor I really cant recognize, with the sweetness of the brown sugar and cider getting you at the finish. When I rub my tongue around my mouth, I get the mustard and a little citrus notes from the Bhuts. Heat is a 7 out of 10, definitely not overpowering whatsoever, but very evident. Lingering heat throughout the entire mouth, but not in the throat. Its a creeper, and a very nice one at that.

Now that I am done typing and after another spoonfull, my heads a little warm :)

Overall I love this sauce. Its bold, its spicy, and I am probably going to use it for a rib marinade next time I toss some in the smoker.

In fact I just threw some on my ham sammich I just made, and its fantastic.

Thumbs up SL, you have a winner in my book.
Excellent review. I agree completely, it is a great sauce. I noticed I kept going back to it even though I had several of my favorite BBQ sauces in the fridge. So one day I did my own little taste test with it up against Rudy's and Stubbs Spicy (both from Texas). In the end, I had to admit that I liked the Texas Creek BBQ sauce the best.. I was surprised and delighted. This excellent review explains in detail what I also thought of SL's BBQ creation. She should go nationwide with this.
Thanks for the input wheebz and chileaddict. Looking forward to hearing from JayT also. One of our favorite uses is to marinate bl/sl chicken strips, then grill. Tamari is similar to soy sauce. It's still in the R&D stage, so any suggestions are appreciated.

For the dip mix, definitely make it a day ahead.
Yea I knew it was a soy sauce, but from what I hear its much milder and lest astringent than normal soy sauces.
I feel really bad. I've been hoarding my bottle for months....waiting on the perfect opportunity to use it.

I need to get off my ass and do it before HSL kills me.....

Nice review Wheebz. SL, I do have the bottle and have tried it several times. Excellent. Review will be coming.
The dip is pretty good, alittle too watery, maybe only 1/2 cup of water. :dance:

I agree. I added 3/4 cup water and added 1/2 cup more sour cream. I just finished a bowl of sliced smoked sausage with the TEXAS CREEK BBQ Sauce cooked in microwave and it was OUTSTANDING. I was eating it while opening up THP and this is the first thread I see.
I didn't have SL's weekend, but I did have 2 cheeseburgers and two cheese burritos with Texas Creek Ghost Fire sauce poured on - excellent, as always. Ever since I first tried Ghost Fire on a burger when we met up for the Northwest chili heads party, I can't do a burger without it :)