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Savage Beast and Demented Canary from Feisty Parrot

First time reviewing anything and since my hot sauce experience is limited, I won't be doing a X/10 since I haven't eaten enough to know what I would consider a 10. 
Just received two bottles of Feisty Parrot in the mail. Savage Beast, and Demented Canary. The labels are perfect, the sauces look and smell great. They're not runny like a lot of sauces, and have a great slow, even pour to them. 

I tried them by themselves on a spoon to get a real feel for the taste.  Both have a nice bit of heat to them, but I found the Savage Beast to be hotter. Both are very sweet which I like a lot.

Of the two I would say I prefer the Savage Beast the most. Very sweet, onion tasting sauce that I immediately referred to as "salsa like" Since opening it last night I've actually been eating it on chips.

Both sauces would be good on burgers, wings. I have a feeling these would make a great marinade for steak as well.
 I like how they changed the parrot for each sauce, rather than just the name.  I really enjoy the Savage Beast.  Going to do a cold-weather grill out this weekend and I'll be able to try them both on burgers. 

Edit-messed up the title
The savage beast is delicious!  Though the most prominent flavor IMO is the carrot,  it is a great tasting sauce.  The consistency is awesome
illWill said:
The savage beast is delicious!  Though the most prominent flavor IMO is the carrot,  it is a great tasting sauce.  The consistency is awesome
I didn't get much of a carrot flavor from it.  Mostly onion and a little celery
Browning said:
I didn't get much of a carrot flavor from it.  Mostly onion and a little celery
 Weird, I definitely pick up a little onion but I don't really taste much celery in it.  The carrot, papaya, and peppers are the 3 strongest flavors for me.  Maybe the lime
Hmm celery is not an ingredient you see a lot in hot sauce.  Feisty Parrot just contacted us at THP for an official review, so they will be upcoming.
Just received my bottles - gonna break my "no opening of new sauces until I have space in the fridge" rule to give these a try & will come back with feedback.
OK, here's my totally not official review (Note: I am not a reviewer, and will proceed to robustly prove that to you all)

1st impressions: While I love the little pepper-thermometer on the side panels & find those both creative and informative, I'd initially looked for heat on the front of the bottle and did not see an indicator. It's tricky because they're both described as "ghost & scorpion pepper hot sauce" - so at a glance it's a little confusing. Not the end of the world, but some kind of indication of what I'm getting into right on the front would be helpful. Minor nit, and an issue that my 1st run of products also had so maybe I'm more sensitive to it than most. 
Upon inspection I see the Demented Canary is the milder of the two so I'll start there. 
Smells tangy. It's a thick consistency, but pours well. Bravo there - solid on consistency. While I love the tanginess of the smell, there's a scent I can't quite put my finger on. It reminds me of the smell of a bullion cube, but spicy. A little odd. 
Flavor - bursts with fresh veggie flavor, and again - it almost has a bullion flavor lurking in the background. It may be the tequila, or it may be the celery that's giving me this impression, and also I know scent is a big part of taste so it could be tricking my brain. 
Solid medium heat - I think the heat rating is right on point. It's a medium sauce and fairly labelled as such. 
Texture is fantastic in terms of mouth feel - smooth pour yet a little chunky on the tongue. No hard bits, and yet there are bits of peppers, onion, etc. It's a nice grind IMO. 
I could see this pairing well with chicken, fish, pork - or in soup. After the initial unfamiliarity of the scent, I find this to be a very palpable and tasty sauce. It's certainly unique. I'm not getting a lot of papaya flavor, nor carrot - which is a little odd since they're the 1st two ingredients. At the same time the vinegar and apple juice are muted flavors - not too sweet or apple-y, nor is it too vinegary, which I might have expected from the sharpness up front in scent.
I don't give number ratings but I'll say it's a unique and interesting sauce that I'm looking forward to trying on food. Lips have a little ghost burn going, but nothing uncomfortable. Quite pleasant really. 
The Savage Beast is now open & I get a much more straightforward "hot vinegary" scent, with the richness of peppers and veggies. Interestingly I smell the feint hint of tomato, even though there's no tomato in this sauce. 
Identical consistency & pour, Very nicely done. Good mouth feel, smooth yet chunky, same as the Demented Canary, but this time I got a few seeds in the 1st bite. I didn't get any in the 1st sauce so I'm wondering if a couple of fluky seeds missed the grinder?   
Heat right away. It's absolutely hotter than the Demeted Canary Very similar flavor, but several points hotter. Lips really heated up now, and in addition I get the ghost burn on the tongue & on the back of the throat. Quickly subsides and nothing unpleasant. 
Again, a lovely blend of flavors here that's eerily reminiscent of a very spicy vegetable soup. It must be the celery. It's very tasty and unique. I'd pair with the same kinds of foods as the Demented Canary. 
Amazingly both sauces have nearly zero sodium. Just 15 mg/tsp which is unheard of. Tapatio has 175/tsp. Sriracha (Huy Fong) has 150. LDHS 40-50 depending. 15 is ridiculously low. As such I am 100% confident that the flavors of these sauces will open up even more richly on food, since the salt of the food is going to broadly effect the palate. 
Again - a solid sauce that I'm very much looking forward to trying on food.  I was really expecting (and slightly fearing) the papaya as the 2nd ingredient - yet I barely taste it, which for me is a good thing in a hot sauce. I love fruit in sauce, but when sauces are too fruity I lose the practical application. These are very practical/utilitarian sauces that will pair well with savory dishes. 
Thanks again for the great trade!
LDHS thank you for the great review!

Try marinating a chicken breast in either sauce with a little olive oil (leave 4ish hours) shaking occasionally...then pop it on the grill. Funny thing about the salt, I was surprised it came back as high as it did!

And Browning, you review was equally as excellent thank you.

We have had a lot of people locally review our sauces and tell us they like them but it's a whole different world to have people across the country and also those who are great sauce makers themselves like them too!
I won a bottle of Savage Beast.  Its too pretty to open! 
Plus, now I can tell the wife that I am an award-winning poet! 
It does sound very much like my kinda sauce. 