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Say, Cayenne?

Yeah, I was a sucker who bought seeds off eBay. Never again. None the less, are these Cayenne peppers? They just started turning orange (perhaps a red stage next).

geez i did that once but it was suppose to be 7pot and i got tabascos most ebay sellers will take some bell seeds and avertise them as super super hot seeds of some kind kind of funny if you really think about it
I also got Cayenne peppers thinking they were Butch T's from a seller off e-bay, never again. At least I got my money back after lodging a complaint with e-bay and contacting the seller. He said he made a mistake, ya right. Boileranimal
I contacted my seller and he actually sent me some TS Butch Ts for free to make up for the loss with major apologizes. He told me he did not know what seeds he sent because he bought the "Butch Ts" from a supplier as his supply ran out. None the less, it's a great plant and I'm excited to make some hot sauce out of em.
Is the big pepper on the right side of pic on the same plant? The reason i'm asking is, i had a pepper that looked just like a habanero grow on a jalapeno plant loaded with jalapenos. I stupidly pulled it off before taking a pic. i have been growing peppers for a while and have never seen anything like that before.
That's the same kind of pepper. That is actually 2 peppers but the angle makes it look like a big one. See the crease down the middle? That's where the front pepper curves tot he right and the back pepper curves to the left.
Yeah, it looks like a long slim Cayenne. I grow the larger thicker variety which is not as hot as the long slim type both are very tastyand makes a great flavored powder.
To bad its not the T.S. you paid for in the first place.
I just got done spraying my plants that I had to bring in with a soap and pepper spray to kill white flies and aphids which are trying to take over the extra bedroom where I keep my plants in during the winter. Hope you have good luck getting rid of your aphids.