• Blog your pepper progress. The first image in your first post will be used to represent your Glog.

Schonke's 2013 Grow log

Decided to put my GLog here a bit late and make a heavy first post and then keep going at a more normal pace.
This is my third season growing peppers (or anything really) and my first season growing anything but regular C. annuum supermarket varieties.
Original plan was to grow in containers in the backyard (renting our apartment, so no huge garden and can't make big flowerbeds in it) but as of last month we managed to get a lease on a plot of growing field where I will give growing in the ground a try. Since summers are quite short and might be cold here (southern part of Sweden) I'm planning on building a hoop house to cover the peppers.

Ordred all of my seeds except the Apache and the Bird's eye from Fataliiseeds.net last year in two batches, ended up not planting all though.
Varieties I'm growing this year:
  • 7pot (C. chinense)
  • Apache (C. annuum)
  • Bird's Eye (C. annuum)
  • Bolivian Rainbow (C. annuum)
  • Fatalii (C. chinense)
  • Hawaiian Habanero (C. chinense)
  • Moruga Scorpion (C. chinense)
  • Moruga Yellow (C. chinense)
  • Monster Naga (C. chinense)
  • Naga Morich (C. chinense)
  • Petenero (C. chinense)
  • Rawit (C. annuum)

Started the first batch of seeds sometime early-mid January. Here they are on January 18th inside my custom grow cabinet.

Started moving plants inside my grow tent as they were transplanted. February 3rd here.

February 13th. Second batch of seeds planted.

February 19th. To the right are my hydroponic tomatoes and Naga Morich.

February 27th. Naga Morich had to move out to make room for soil peppers. Second batch of seeds coming along nicely in the cabinet and first tomato seedlings are showing up.

March 3rd.

March 21st. A welcome visitor in my garden as well!

Hmm, seems image limit was reached but I can't figure out how to make a reply with more images...
Yours plants are growing like mad! An indoor lady bug, no way. Hope she can keep the place pest free. Nice lookin grow!
you wait for a reply ...then you can make another post ...

Figured it out after some trying! :)

Yours plants are growing like mad! An indoor lady bug, no way. Hope she can keep the place pest free. Nice lookin grow!
They grew like mad for some time but then stopped a bit once I ran out of space/light. :/ The ladybug came with spring! Keeping the window open during daytime so she must have found her way inside. Had a few but most seem to have left now, but I suppose that means no aphids to feed on! :D

Continued from above.
March 31st. First plants getting put in larger pots. I think it's Petenero, 7pot, Rawit and Apache.

April 3rd. Hawaiian Habanero, Bird's Eye and Moruga Scorpion getting new pots.

April 18th. Overview of plant room. More plants replanted. Unfortunately a lot of the plants can't get proper lighting, slowing down growth. Plant in blue bucket is overwintered Bird's Eye. Plant in window is an Apache which unfortunately died from dehydration.

April 22nd. View inside tent. Had a go at pruning the plants, hoping for more side growth. More visitors!
