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I went to Lowe's to buy 1 more Basil plant.

Their Basil has 6-7 little plants to each pot. I only needed 1 plant, so of course, I bought 2 pots. That brought the grand total to 13 or 14 basil plants.


Then I spot it.....

They have cayennes, 9 plants for $2.39.......

These things are 18 inches tall with no flowers. HEALTHY if you dig.

SWMBO was understanding enough to let me intersperse them throughout the rest of the garden (since you know the pepper boxes are already filled to capacity with much more interesting varieties;))

Anyone with extra space and a LOWE's near should jet up there.

I have never been so excited about cayennes!;)

I can identify. Just bought a six pack of healthy Anaheims without regard to where I would put them. Notmuch room left anywhere.
;) That's the spirit!

I was trying to envision these babies in the flower beds. SWMBO would NEVER sign off on that shite.
Lowe's is killing me, in a good way of course. Been buying potting supplies and I've got to walk through the veggies to get to them. I've ran out of pots twice! I figure one more trip and I should be finished.