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scorpion tongue newbe. question

Thanks for the help guys/gals.

Grown from seed labeled scorpion tongue?

Yep, we were a little unsure to start with.

Is black the end color or should I expect red later?

I can wait, but don't want a black to rot while I waitfor red.

How can I tell when its ready?


Do you know where the seeds came from? I have some growing and this particular variety turns red, do your pods start out a light green then get a tan of purple? Mine were labeled Hot White scorpion tongue.
I got them from Jojo, but he was not sure that they were scorpion tongue. He thought so, but a bit unsure. Come to think of it he did send a dried pod with it and that seemed red. Guess I answered my own question.
Portuge said:
Do you know where the seeds came from? I have some growing and this particular variety turns red, do your pods start out a light green then get a tan of purple? Mine were labeled Hot White scorpion tongue.
They really grew fast. They were light green, then bigger light green, then stained black on one side ( like a sun burn), now nearly all black.
sp33d said:

