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Scotch Bonnet???

It is hard to tell from that one picture but it doesn’t look like one to me.  The traditional shape is: upper portion that is a rounded apex that resembles a cap with the lower end having 4 to 5 lobes that fold into a crimped buttock. Click Here to see a baby one in development, when it ripens it will be much larger and depending on the strain it will ripen either yellow or red, the one's I'm growing are yellow and AFAIK yellow is the traditional color but I'm not sure on that point.
Something noteworthy about the Scotch Bonnet is the pungent smell that is emitted from the plant, I can smell the 3 I’m currently growing from 20 yards it’s that strong. Taste it, how does it taste? The Chili should have a sweet pungent and unique flavor, citrus-like, smoky with a heat rating of 150K to 325K Scoville heat units. There can be a hint of fruitiness within the flavor but not as fruity as a Habanero but equally a great taste.
Phil said:
They look like orange habaneros to me.
AFAIK that is a misconception, they do not look like an orange hab. The true scotch bonnet has a bonnet and a hab does not, thus the "bonnet" in the name. That said a plant pumping out bonnets can have some pods without the bonnet but the majority do have them. The one you describe is probably a cross like my Jamaican Habanero look here or look here. BTW the Scotch Bonnet is the largest exported crop from Jamaica and the name MoA stands for the Ministry of Agriculture of Jamaica, you should google their site (I have) and read their info.