• Blog your pepper progress. The first image in your first post will be used to represent your Glog.

Scotchnaga's 2013 grow log

Not growing to many varieties this year. I hope I have a good year for growing.
x3  Red Savina (these plants are in their 2nd year)
x2 Bengle Naga
x1 Devils Rib
x1 Jalapeño (now in its 4th year) 
also i'm growing a few sweet peppers.
**All pictures are a week old and my 3 plugs have since been re-potted again into their final much larger pots**.
My freshly potted Naga plug's.

My Devils Rib.. it came very lop sided but thankfully since this photo my plant is now growing upright :)

New growth on last years Red Savina, I grew them from seed and due to crappy weather they where very slow in growing last year. I over wintered them by basically leaving them on a windowsill with very little other treatment. Aphids did attack a few times over winter resulting in leaf loss, also towards late winter the plants shed more leafs naturally.

and  finally my Jalapeno that's now around 4 years old :)
pepperproblem said:
Devils Rib?
I see Sea Spring has it as an exclusive. Does it go by another name? Never heard of it.
If its an exclusive then I doubt it. I'm guessing though that because its of a Ghanaian origin that it could be a strain of fatalii chili.
StupidJerk said:
Looks like most of the overwinters are coming back strong. Good to see.
Thank you :-) yes all but one. Savina number 3 is being stuborn and is still in a dormant state. I know it's still alive and healthy because its stems are green and tiny leaf buds are visible (have been for weeks).

Over here in the uk we have had a very cool spring and a cloudy one too. All the plants have suffered. :(
Devv said:
Good luck this year! 4 year old jal? Wow!
Well I bought it from a local garden store in the spring of 2011 and it was already a mature plant covered in ripe pods. I'm assuming that this plant would have been grown under artificial lights for some months prior to being shipped of to store.. this would be its.. actually thinking about it, this is its 3rd season and it would likely be 4 at the end of the year lol. :lol:
Ok 2 weeks after last pictures and growth has been slow, i blame the cold spring we're currently enduring for this. Most of the chili plants are in 10 inch deep pots, Savina 3 is in a smaller pot and wont be potted up until its in leaf. Devils Rib is in 7 inch deep oval shaped pot that is about 15 inches at its widest - i'm experimenting with this one.

Devil's Rib.

Red Savina's


Red Savina number 3's buds are finally now starting to grow in to proper leafs. Next time I hope to have a photo of it.
Best growth spurt of them all goes to my Rib :)

Naga's are being rather slow..

(plant 1)

(plant 2)

My Second year Savina's..
Coming along well with 100's of buds between them.. 

Lol my 3rd Savina that has been rather slow this year.. when I re-potted this week I noticed most of the roots where actually dead and it had started to grow a new fresh root system, I think  this might explain the rather sluggish start.


some reason I cant post my last picture, the forum keeps having hissy fits at me lol
Some updated pictures... summery weather has finally arrived.



My 3 over wintered red savina:

My tallest plant by far is a sweet pepper at around 50cm.. fruits from this will go well with fajita's at the end of the year ;)
Well 16 days after my last photo's taken.
I have pods :dance:  :party: 

pods are growing on 3 of my 4 over wintered.
Two of my Savina's.. the smallest is the late bloomer that is only just flowered.

My naga pants are also starting to gain size and height - complete with buds.

my 2 naga's in the foreground with my 3rd & largest Savina in the background. That tall plant to the left is a sweet pepper.

After 4 years and its still looking good..

And finally this plant is the one that has impressed me the most :party: 
My devils rib.


It has just exploded into growth!! Here it was 2 weeks (16 days) earlier lol