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Scottish 2025 "Outdoor" Capsicum pubescens trial

Hi Guy's

My new Capsicum pubescens "Outdoor Scottish" trial has began 😁 seeds sown today 👍 in commercial seed mix topped with vermiculite in heated propergater.

Having to grow hot and superhots in a Greenhouse here in Scotland space is at a premium so personally I won't "waste" space on mild species such as pubescens however anything hottish that will grow outdoors I see as a free bonus 👍🙂 however my journey into Rocotos has surprised me by how fond I've become of them 🥰 they are truly one of the most beautiful chilli species you can grow if you haven't I'd highly recommend one or two as a side project but be warned they are highly addictive and rather tasty not to mention having a different burn making them seem hotter than they are on paper IMO

The objective of this trial is the same as last time find varieties that can ripen outdoors in Scotland 🤔😳 a tall order for most !

My last "Outdoor Scottish" Rocoto trial was back in 2023 comprised of 7 varieties and only 1 came out on top ! The rest while production may have been ok or good they simply ran out of time to ripen outdoors in our climate 😫


The Winner of my 2023 Outdoor Scottish capsicum pubescens trial "Rocoto Long" :dance: from seaspring seeds (Dorset Naga people) Please note captured in this rare photograph is the elusive Scottish summer sun :party:

Recap of 2023 trial:

1. Chocolate locoto - Realseeds
2. Alberto Locoto - Realseeds
3. Yellow traveller - Realseeds
4. Rocoto Long - Seaspring seeds
5. Turbo pubes - Semillas
6. Costa Rican red - Semillas
7. Aji Largo- ukchilli

Seaspring seeds Rocoto Long came out on top it is extremely similar to Aji Largo and I suspect a selection of this variety but it did way better than my Aji Largo......🤔

Now back to my 2025 Scottish "Outdoor" Capsicum pubescens trial:

1. Rocoto Long - self saved
2. Rocoto Montufar - Semillas
3. Rocoto Peron - Fatallii seeds
4. Rocoto CAP 363 - Fatallii seeds
5. Rocoto CAP 867- Fatallii seeds

Only five runners this time of course one is a known entity and my current favourite so really only four contenders.

Apparently the Rocoto Peron is about as hot as is readily available to the enthusiast ? The two CAPs 363 and 867 apparently do well or better that other Rocoto in cooler climates ? That's see how they deal with Scottish summer 🤣 to be honest I can't quite remember why I added Rocoto Montufar to this grow ? But I must have had a reason when I ordered them.

Like last time once potted up to there final pots I will pretty much neglect them survival of the fittest kind of thing 😉

However this coming season I'm toying with trying a Rocoto long outdoors in a kratky hydroponic set up .........I've toyed with the idea before but felt keeping all our rain from flooding the set up would be a bit of a faff 😬 but I moved a 20 litre Krakty Ring of fire set up out of the greenhouse mid summer this year and without any special precautions the plants own foliage did a remarkable job.

So I see a kratky hydroponic Rocoto long in the mix too 🤓

Merry Christmas and a fruitful Rocoto season to you all 🙂

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Hi Guy's

My new Capsicum pubescens "Outdoor Scottish" trial has began 😁 seeds sown today 👍 in commercial seed mix topped with vermiculite in heated propergater.

Having to grow hot and superhots in a Greenhouse here in Scotland space is at a premium so personally I won't "waste" space on mild species such as pubescens however anything hottish that will grow outdoors I see as a free bonus 👍🙂 however my journey into Rocotos has surprised me by how fond I've become of them 🥰 they are truly one of the most beautiful chilli species you can grow if you haven't I'd highly recommend one or two as a side project but be warned they are highly addictive and rather tasty not to mention having a different burn making them seem hotter than they are on paper IMO

The objective of this trial is the same as last time find varieties that can ripen outdoors in Scotland 🤔😳 a tall order for most !

My last "Outdoor Scottish" Rocoto trial was back in 2023 comprised of 7 varieties and only 1 came out on top ! The rest while production may have been ok or good they simply ran out of time to ripen outdoors in our climate 😫


The Winner of my 2023 Outdoor Scottish capsicum pubescens trial "Rocoto Long" :dance: from seaspring seeds (Dorset Naga people) Please note captured in this rare photograph is the elusive Scottish summer sun :party:

Recap of 2023 trial:

1. Chocolate locoto - Realseeds
2. Alberto Locoto - Realseeds
3. Yellow traveller - Realseeds
4. Rocoto Long - Seaspring seeds
5. Turbo pubes - Semillas
6. Costa Rican red - Semillas
7. Aji Largo- ukchilli

Seaspring seeds Rocoto Long came out on top it is extremely similar to Aji Largo and I suspect a selection of this variety but it did way better than my Aji Largo......🤔

Now back to my 2025 Scottish "Outdoor" Capsicum pubescens trial:

1. Rocoto Long - self saved
2. Rocoto Montufar - Semillas
3. Rocoto Peron - Fatallii seeds
4. Rocoto CAP 363 - Fatallii seeds
5. Rocoto CAP 867- Fatallii seeds

Only five runners this time of course one is a known entity and my current favourite so really only four contenders.

Apparently the Rocoto Peron is about as hot as is readily available to the enthusiast ? The two CAPs 363 and 867 apparently do well or better that other Rocoto in cooler climates ? That's see how they deal with Scottish summer 🤣 to be honest I can't quite remember why I added Rocoto Montufar to this grow ? But I must have had a reason when I ordered them.

Like last time once potted up to there final pots I will pretty much neglect them survival of the fittest kind of thing 😉

However this coming season I'm toying with trying a Rocoto long outdoors in a kratky hydroponic set up .........I've toyed with the idea before but felt keeping all our rain from flooding the set up would be a bit of a faff 😬 but I moved a 20 litre Krakty Ring of fire set up out of the greenhouse mid summer this year and without any special precautions the plants own foliage did a remarkable job.

So I see a kratky hydroponic Rocoto long in the mix too 🤓

Merry Christmas and a fruitful Rocoto season to you all 🙂


Good luck with them-I'm looking forward to seeing how these do for you this year!
Hi Guy's

As I've said before my capsicum pubescens grow is always a side line to my superhots. I grow them outside in Scotland 🙃 I see them as a free bonus and not a priority.


My 2025 seedlings

Rocoto 363 x2
Rocoto long x2
Rocoto Peron x 2 (one weaker)
Rocoto Montufar x1
Rocoto 867 x1

I could of course re sow more of each variety............but like I said this is a side line and I'm not that bothered I will go with what I have.

I currently have two Rocoto long plant's over wintering the first time I've over wintered capsicum pubescens 😊

I'm a huge fan of Rocoto long a seaspring seeds variety but you never know.......actually.......I'm getting excited 😆
I will be watching out of the corner of my eyes 😄
I haven't tried growing or even tasted a pubes pepper.
Maybe something will get me interested in growing some in the future.
Hi Guy's

Thought it was about time I updated ....................

Currently I have 3 Rocoto long plant's that so far seemed to have survived winter 😎 but it's not over yet 🤞


As you can see from the photo I've culled the smaller Rocoto Peron ..........and the Rocoto cap 867 is a beast !

Another lesson learned I pricked out the first two "best" seedlings and potted them up however the Cap 867 was left in the original seed cell and has progressed far faster.

Note to self : Minimise root disturbance as much as possible untill at least the second true leaves appear.
Next season I might use smaller cells and sow individually in each rather than 5 or 6 seeds in each to reduce root disturbance.


A handsome little fella indeed 😁



It's already "forked" 😎 and given the root growth I shall be forced to pot up very soon !

On another note I've just learnt the Cap 867 also comes in Red ! Which I'm assuming would be hotter.......🤔

I know I said I wouldn't .........😗 but I have resown a few of each variety which I'll be more careful with...............

This season I'm planning on trying a Rocoto in a hanging basket along with a small kratky experiment.

Pot wise I have some lovely 40 litre pot's but given our short cold wet season I reckon I'm thinking with sticking to 10 litre as a maximum possible 15 litre maximum no bigger.

There's still plenty of time if you're never grown a Capsicum pubescens variety get some sown 👍
Hi Guy's

This is the first year I've over wintered Rocotos all three Rocoto Long the smaller was late sown and did not fruit as an experiment. The other two were originally in 15 litre and 40 litre pots pruned hard in both branch and root and "down potted " compost with plenty of perlite for drainage.




And the baby of the three...........

Be very interesting to see how they do in their second year......🤔
I hadn't heard of that one :thumbsup:

For me so far Rocoto Long from seaspring seeds has performed best for me I suspect it's a selection of Aji Largo which was pretty good too
Hi Guy's

A few developments with my Rocoto's.............

As you know I ended up resowing more Rocoto's 😗 although my Cap 363, Cap 867 failed !



A brace of Rocoto Peron they are apparently about the hottest available to the hobbyist approx 100,000 shu and if you Google image them probably the roundist Rocoto almost tomatoe like in appearance.


Plenty of Montufar PI 585273 to play with 🙂

In addition to these from my original sowing I have :

Rocoto CAP 867 x 1
Rocoto long x2
Rocoto CAP 363 x2
Rocoto Montufar x 1
Rocoto Peron x 1


Rocoto Long in 7cm pot original sowing


Rocoto CAP 363 7cm pot original sowing


Rocoto Peron 7cm pot original sowing

Rocoto Montufar PI 585273 9cm pot original sowing

Rocoto cap 867 11cm pot original sowing or " the beast" as I now call it 😎


My other Rocoto Long original sowing which I "Kratkyified" this morning it's going to be an outdoor kratky experiment. Given I found Rocoto Long the first to fruit outdoors in my last trial currently I'm planning it as my only outdoor kratky but I might try other's as outside I've plenty of room.

My three over wintered Rocoto Long are still in the same pot's there's alot of our winter still left so the staus quo will remain for the time being there's in the coolest room a few feet from the window.

I'm currently undecided as to which to try in hanging baskets............ 🤔

These dang Rocoto's really get under your skin .....🤣
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