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Season's last bell pepper :(

Well, of all my plants looks like the bells are going to be the first to crap out. I just harvested the last ripe pepper and all that is left is a tiny green one the size of a nickel and no flowers. The rest of the plants all still have lots of green and red peppers so hopefully I'll have a trickle of fresh hot peppers on into december and maybe january.


Although I'm going to mostly focus on hot peppers, there is nothing quite like picking a bell pepper off a plant and then just eating it like an apple. I think it's especially good this time of year when the fruit is nice and cold, crisp & juicy.
Yeah I didn't get a lot of pods off mine this year, but probably the most yield by weight I'd guess. Both my bell pepper plants were really skanky looking this year, all deformed and short with hideous leaves. Something got to them early and they never recovered. But they did produce amazingly well for how they looked.
I dunno... might be the strain, but I've never seen small bell plants growing here. yes, relatively small harvest, but they're huge!
I posted them the wrong way round, or put it so they were the wrong way round, the second pic was California Wonder even though it doesn't look like it.