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Seed harvesting sucks....

I've spent the last two days preparing seeds for swapping, and I've been using dried pods.

Man, I'm suffering! Never seen so much mucous in one place after my nasal passages were assaulted by the dust! It's gotten so bad, I am now wearing a respiratory mask (good for chemical spillage, I'm told) nitrile gloves and protective eyewear, which fogs up from the mask. :shocked:

Where's the fun part??:crazy:

What the heck am I doing wrong, here?
Hahahahaha.....burnt hands, eyes, nose, ears, old fella.....Ive had all thes problems for a month or more now, welcome to the party
Yeah i had experience with quite a few varietys of peppers but nothing ive ever come into contact with compares with the burn of a Bhut Jolokia.
Theres a few places which are affected a bit worse than others though.
The worst part is it gets stuck under your nails and gives you a bit of a wake up everytime you rub your eyes at night.
New Pepper said:
Yeah i had experience with quite a few varietys of peppers but nothing ive ever come into contact with compares with the burn of a Bhut Jolokia.
Theres a few places which are affected a bit worse than others though.
The worst part is it gets stuck under your nails and gives you a bit of a wake up everytime you rub your eyes at night.

This means you have not yet scratched your balls.

Damn - no sympathy from this crowd! LOLOL

When you boys have finished laughing, how about some tips?? My nuts are the only things I have that have escaped un-scorched...!
huntsman said:

Damn - no sympathy from this crowd! LOLOL

When you boys have finished laughing, how about some tips?? My nuts are the only things I have that have escaped un-scorched...!

What was that Huh? What sympathy ?

How do you want a green horn to graduate?

A Calf does not become a bull as long as keeps rubbing his horns on cow's tits.

Definitely easier deseeding fresh pods. I personally don't use gloves or masks anymore which makes me more careful when handling pods. As long as nothing touches the back of my fingers then I'm usually fine
Wear a full body condom, will feel like a shower wearing a raincoat but you will be covered~

Try grinding superhots and tell me then that de-seeding is bad! :rofl:
Definitely easier deseeding fresh pods. I personally don't use gloves or masks anymore which makes me more careful when handling pods. As long as nothing touches the back of my fingers then I'm usually fine

Hey ...don't emulate qualified gentry here. Potawie is a Gendarmerie royale du Canada.
Keep a pair of thick latex gloves handy.

For me, I handle all hots with naked hands but I am careful not to touch any body part where I should not.
Still I made a mistake this month and had my balls on fire including The One. hehehehehe

I wear gloves when making sauce and preparing paste from Bhuts and Naga .
Naga Jolokia Addict said:
This means you have not yet scratched your balls.

HAHAHA, nothin' worse then some balls o' fire, been there done that, and dont plan on having any happy fun time with the woman anytime soon or else you may find said balls detached from their original location after you pass her the hunan hand. ;)
WickedMojo said:
HAHAHA, nothin' worse then some balls o' fire, been there done that, and dont plan on having any happy fun time with the woman anytime soon or else you may find said balls detached from their original location after you pass her the hunan hand. ;)

The Hunan Hand In Nether Land
Will bring a shriek of terror
You will act as a striken lad
With Red Hot iron's bearer.

You will be made to wash yourself
With a pound of soap to pass
And be made to test your fingers
By shoving'em up your ass.
my tip to avoid any issues whatsoever would be to hire a teenage neighbor kid that you could pay 15$ to do the dirty work. Problem solved.