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Seed harvesting sucks....

Naga Jolokia Addict said:
The Hunan Hand In Nether Land
Will bring a shriek of terror
You will act as a striken lad
With Red Hot iron's bearer.

You will be made to wash yourself
With a pound of soap to pass
And be made to test your fingers
By shoving'em up your ass.


Oh my sainted Aunt!! You're unique, mate!

Back to the serious business of de-seeding a pod: Should it rather be done with fresh pods, or am I on the right track using dried?
I do it with no gloves or mask........I mean if you can eat these things i'm sure a bit of burning on the hands or nose is nothing,.......
Try finding a good painters mask with changeable filters and buy a box of filters with the mask. if the chile goes thru the gloves try orange hand cleaner works for
also learned the hard way.
huntsman said:

Oh my sainted Aunt!! You're unique, mate!

Back to the serious business of de-seeding a pod: Should it rather be done with fresh pods, or am I on the right track using dried?

Thanks for the appreciation of my 4 liners.

Harvesting of seeds is best with mature red and shade dried pods.
I dunno if you can do it at your place.
Some friends do it with dehumidified dryer dried ripe pods.

I remove all the seeds before I dehydrate my pods. I do this with a fork and knife and never touch the pods with my hands. Separating the seeds from the placenta to save is very tedious. Using the knife and fork I pull them off one by one...
I find that the easiest way to de-seed is with fresh pods. Simply cut the placenta away from the wall and the seeds come with it.
"What about the placenta going to waste?" i hear you say, well if you only had a few pods that would be a problem but with lots of pods it isn't. It's not like you need 1000 seeds right?
hunts man the fun part is when oyu recieve some seeds in return or see someone across the world growind a plant form a seed they sent. deseeding dried pods for me always seemed d easy like thye just would fall out sometimess. but i always deseed as soon as i pick a beat for,m the plant I only save seed from biggest and most aesthetic looking pods. im glad you have finally been able to harvets some seeds from your labor seems like you put alot of work into your yard especially gettin that tree outta theyre! keep it up man!
My friend,
The biggest mistake you made was not asking me to come to South Africa and help you harvest and remove seeds. If I ever have a harvest like you've had, you are welcome to help me harvest, etc.

I work in surgery, and we use some great gloves. If you still have a lot more to harvest, I'll send you some, ...just me know. I agree with the others about removing seeds before they dry completely.
You fellas felt my pain, right? LOL!

Thanks for the kind words and suggestions. I see now that I did things backwards, but luckily have plenty of pods to experiment with. ori, you are waaaay welcome to come visit, man! I could actually do with some help and I'm only halfway through. How the heck JungleRain manages is beyond me. Hey I do have a box of nitrile gloves and my hands get by pretty well, but I think HawaiiAL has the right idea with the mask. It has made a huge difference.
In my opinion you should always save seeds from most desirable plants and pods. These desired traits may not always be seen in the next generation but over time natural selection can really improve on a variety
Nicole said:
my tip to avoid any issues whatsoever would be to hire a teenage neighbor kid that you could pay 15$ to do the dirty work. Problem solved.

Something tells me this kind of thing is more suited to a young lady like yourself. A man asking the teen to do this sort of thing might just laugh in our face, but the teen will do anything for the ladies.