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I was wondering if anyone could answer my question of how long from putting seeds in the soil till the plant starts flowering for the following peppers:

1:yellow scorpion
2:naga murich
3:choc habanero
4:trinadad 7pot jonah
Not to state the obvious, but it also depends on how/where you grow your peppers. I usually grow my superhots with a method that affords greater control - indoors hydroponically or outdoors in a greenhouse - allowing me to harvest a little earlier than if I grew them outdoors at the mercy of nature (sometimes she can be a real a$$hole).

How are you growing your plants?
I just ate my first ripe naga, and I planted it in the first week of January, so about 145 days for that one, your mileage may vary.
I have 5 month old scotch bonnets that are just starting to flower.

I have 5 month old scotch bonnets that are just starting to flower.

I have 5 month old scotch bonnets that are just starting to flower.
I started seeds 2 months ago and kept them under lights 24/7, moved em outside 1-2 weeks ago, and most plants are flowering now. Hard to keep up with picking them off. Some I'm just letting go.
The answer depends on your climate, temperature, rainfall, and so forth. I have no idea how things are where you live, but here in central costal florida, I planted orange habs in my garage in october, had pods in march, planted 7pots in february, have pods ripening slowly day by day. Picked my first 7pot the other day, looks like I'll have another one tomorrow.

soo 90-180 days, depending. haha.

not very helpfull.