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Seed train bloopers

Seed trains are great for getting a lions share of pepper varieties to grow. But there is a downside as well. You have no way of knowing if what you are going to spend 8 months growing is as was marked on the pack. This thread is for posting your disappointments as well as the unforeseen blessings of growing the wrong peppers.
chocolate bbg/not.
not chocolate bbg.jpg
these were supposed to be reapers. Look more like some kind of nagas or naga scorpions. any guesses? I have yet to try them. Dont particularly care for most red pods.
Not Reapers.jpg

It is always a good idea when growing seed from a train to get varieties from different sources so as to eliminate these kind of problems, if that is what they become. I do have one spectacular reaper plant so this may not be the end of the world. It may actually be good.