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seeds Seedling are dying. Looks like a pest need help to fix or start over.

Hi guys and gals. Well like I stated I'm new to growing chilis and am having so many difficulties growing. I'm a total noob yo this and am really getting so frustrated. If it's not the soil it's the lights and have upgraded both and now having this problem. Hoping someone can share their input on what this is or how to fix. Haven't checked these seedling for awhile close to a week. And today opened to water and was shocked yo see them in this condition. They look o be dying and wilted. A lot of leaves have fallen off and a lot discolored. And several fungus gnats flying around. Just killed one that flew on my hand while typing this.Wondering if they are worth trying to bring back to life or just discard and start from scratch. The leaves also have a sticky feel to them. The last few days have been pretty hot here in Los Angeles. And it could be the heat or humidity of my garage as well. Pictures show what I think is larvae on the leaves. Is it possible to wash off and replant or is it best to just start over.

Pictures of them before today about a week or so ago.

Pictures of them today.

You got a bad bug infestation. Still saveable but you need to decide if you want to go all out toxic avenger or try a organic solution.
I like to use Organocide (google it). Works good but you gotta monitor daily. Other people might have different advice. Good luck to you. 
Ouch...it's that is a super bad outbreak ....what is your grow set up like?
is that a grow tent or foil? good air exchange?
Storage container with foil reflection. With a cfl bulb for those but my younger seedling outside under t8 bulbs look to be having a minor issue as well.
This has worked very well for me, although I've never been had to beat back an infestation like yours.
Get a box of q-tips and just about any pyrethrin-type (permethrin,etc.) bug spray or liquid. 
Dab the cotton in the spray (damp with insecticide, not dripping!) then use the swab to dislodge and/or dose the little buggers.
Try to avoid getting too much on the plants. A little won't hurt a thing, but big drops (or spraying the entire plant) can cause problems.
With that many bugs, it will take a while!   I hope you don't have too many plants.  ;)
This should knock them back in a big way, but you'll need to repeat in a week or so.
If this doesn't entirely cure the problem, you might have the buggers are in the soil - "root aphids."  If so, you might want to escalate the war and try a systemic insecticide.  Stuff like Bayer's Imidacloprid is fantastically toxic to bugs, and will kill damn near everything that touches your plant. The downside is that it will continue (for months!) to kill damn near everything, including butterflies, bees, and other innocent / beneficial insects that may be attracted to flowers later in the season.  Systemic can also kill predators by direct contact with the surface of the plant, or if they eat a poisoned prey insect.  If you're exclusively growing inside, go for it.
Aphids! I sprayed mine today with a garlic and soap solution. It won't get rid of them completely but will keep them under control until I take them outdoors to let mother nature deal with em.
Grass Snake said:
Aphids! I sprayed mine today with a garlic and soap solution. It won't get rid of them completely but will keep them under control until I take them outdoors to let mother nature deal with em.
IMO, this is definitely preferable.  If you are growing outside, parasitic wasps, lady bugs, lacewings, and others will (eventually) arrive to save the day.  If you can hold the fort until then....
bucdout57 said:
Hi guys and gals. Well like I stated I'm new to growing chilis and am having so many difficulties growing. I'm a total noob yo this and am really getting so frustrated. If it's not the soil it's the lights and have upgraded both and now having this problem. Hoping someone can share their input on what this is or how to fix. Haven't checked these seedling for awhile close to a week. And today opened to water and was shocked yo see them in this condition. They look o be dying and wilted. A lot of leaves have fallen off and a lot discolored. And several fungus gnats flying around. Just killed one that flew on my hand while typing this.Wondering if they are worth trying to bring back to life or just discard and start from scratch. The leaves also have a sticky feel to them. The last few days have been pretty hot here in Los Angeles. And it could be the heat or humidity of my garage as well. Pictures show what I think is larvae on the leaves. Is it possible to wash off and replant or is it best to just start over.

Pictures of them before today about a week or so ago.

Pictures of them today.

Provide a close up of the larvae that you mentioned. It is difficult to properly give an opinion of infestation from a scenic image. I can speculate easily from your description and what I can make out of the pics provided but I cant confirm anything. Look under the leaves!!  NEVERMIND I seen what I needed.

Here is what is going to happen with the temps you have and the level of infestation. In a couple of day of doing nothing the infestation will double and continue exponentially until something is done or the plants succumb and die. pyrethrin will check the bugs good but will devastate young plants and/or new growth. you are now where they call between a rock and a hard place and time is the rule maker.
check your PM  
Empty your in box, you cant receive any more pm's
When I buy plants from the nursery I drop them in a 5gal bucket of 1/10 strength 3% peroxide and organic soap. let em soak pot and all for a min and rinse and replant them. 
Plants usually look pretty happy after too. 
D3monic said:
When I buy plants from the nursery I drop them in a 5gal bucket of 1/10 strength 3% peroxide and organic soap. let em soak pot and all for a min and rinse and replant them. 
Plants usually look pretty happy after too. 
What? you dont use straight H2O2?
CAPCOM said:
What? you dont use straight H2O2?
Na I dilute it .. not to mention I ain't got no 5gals worth of the stuff lol. Pretty sure that would toast the leaves. I've used undiluted as a soil drench fighting the fungus gnats and it's proved pretty successful 
Looks like aphids, can see tons of aphid sheds all over. And looks pretty bad, especially for how small and young the plants are. 
Blister said:
Yep aphids are a problem for you at the moment.
Okay just to recap. The problem I'm having is with aphids? I've looked under the leaves and did not see any. Not to many plants to lose but looking for a further solution to address the issue if it continues with my other plants. Just disappointed seeing as these were my more mature seedlings and quite a few of my WANTED varieties to munch on. But I have some back up seeds to redo but would like to try and save. I'll run out to Home Depot tomorrow and get what I need to get but want to make sure I'm getting the correct thing. Organocide is sold there but not sure if that helps with aphids. Is pyrethrin sold there? Either way I'll check back and keep you updated. Thanks you guys.
D3monic said:
When I buy plants from the nursery I drop them in a 5gal bucket of 1/10 strength 3% peroxide and organic soap. let em soak pot and all for a min and rinse and replant them. 
Plants usually look pretty happy after too.
I'm looking to try this as well on a few. Thanks but what brand soap are you using?
In this instance I doubt the soap is even necessary. but if you're already buying something like safer insecticidal soap i'd just use a tsp or so of that in there and would be fine. Don't want to over do it. Just make sure you rinse them off and don't put them into the sun or lights until they dry off or will burn them. From everything I have read the H2o2 will desiccate any soft bodied insects. I've only done this a few times but haven't lost any plants doing it. 
Last year I bought a bunch of hab plants that where completly infested and I did this and wiped the aphids out and plants looked pretty darn happy afterward. I just wish my overwinters would of fit in a bucket because I fought the bastards for several weeks before giving up. 
But dont' just take a strangers word off the internet, google a little to make your self feel safer about your options. 
Thanks demonic. Just in case it is aphids. Dumped my daughters lady bug farm on the lot. Not many only about forty ladybugs but it might help till I get to Home Depot or find time in the next day to redo the seedling. I'll make it up to her. Scored on amazon and got a few hundred for under ten bucks. Might just have yo order another bunch tommorrow. I sprinkled the rest on my other plants I'm overwintering and tomato plants this last week.

Anyone have any input on what it could be? Still confused if it aphids or fungus gnats.
could be both, but those are def aphid sheds all over leaves. As they grow they shed like that. Hopefully the ladybugs do the trick. 1 female aphid can lay 1000 eggs shortly after hatching without male assistance and they continue to compound like that until weather gets warm enough and they start getting wings and fly to new plants or the plant dies. 
Would neem oil fix this? I used neem oil last year and i think it was almost as good as the pyrethrin based i used first.