misc Seedling growth opinions please ?

Hi Guy's

I'd be most grateful for opinions on the photo below................. 🤔

On the left is a seed cell approx 3 cm x 3 cm originally I sowed 6 Zing seeds on top of commercial seed compost which is very dense very "soil like" and covered with a shalow layer of vermiculite germination was excellent 👍

I pricked out the two "best " (most advanced) seedlings as soon as the first true leaves appeared and transferred them to the 7 cm pot's on the right filled with approx 10 parts sieved general compost 1 part perlite, 1 part vermiculite tsp blood and bone meal.

As you can see my "spare" seedlings in the original seed cell have now surpassed the two pricked out seedlings......🤔



Why ?

Obviously the different soil/compost could be a factor ?

Also the root disturbance or lack of it could be a factor ?

It would be interesting to figure it out for future reference..............🤔

I do have a second sowing for a friend I'm planning on not pricking anything out till they really need it and than pot half in 7 cm pot with the original commercial seed mix and half in 7cm pot with compost, perlite, vermiculite etc as a control, but in the mean time ..........what you guys think 🤔

BTW- these Zing's are vigorous robust similar seedlings 🙂

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Normal and nothing to worry about. The ones you transplanted were a little shocked (stunted growth), but should bounce back soon.
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I think the key word is prick

Next time, try to be a little more gentle with the little babies

When you pulled them out, you most likely damaged the little roots 😢

But, you selected the strongest/nicer ones so they should bounce back in
"no time"
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