seeds-germination Seedling Question

Hi, some of leaves on my seedlings are turning a yellow color could this be due to the lights being too close? I'll try to take some pics tomorrow. Thanks
No, not really... unless it's really, really hot.
What kind of yellow? like when it's out of light? when it has deficiency? od perhaps?
It shouldn't be a deficiency if its still a seedling. What are you feeding your plants and what type of lighting is being used? Also what type of soil and water?
If the light was too hot, the leaves would burn, not turn yellow. Give us the details of your growing operation and one of us can probably figure out what's going on with them.
Sunburn can appear as yellow areas.
Sure the leaves would have to be pretty large not to get all wrinkled, but maybe his definition of "seedling" is different than yours or mine.

POTAWIE, the same... maybe his definition of "seedling" is different than yours or mine. ;)
Omri said:
Sunburn can appear as yellow areas.

On peppers it usually appears as limp, white areas that go necrotic. Yellowing from sunburn usually happens on plants with thicker leaves.

Sure the leaves would have to be pretty large not to get all wrinkled, but maybe his definition of "seedling" is different than yours or mine.

Which would be why I asked for details of his plant growing operation. We have some good diagnosticians here, but we need some details to figure out what's going on with the plants.
Pam said:
If the light was too hot, the leaves would burn, not turn yellow. Give us the details of your growing operation and one of us can probably figure out what's going on with them.

I have the seedlings in the 72 space trays, they are planted in a peat type substance I'm sorry I can't recall the name right now. They are under florusent(sp) lights about 14 hours a day and watered every other day. I have not used any fertilizer on them yet. Here is picture of my setup:

I will try to take a pic of the seedlings later, thanks for all the help.
edowling, First and most important for you right now is to get those seedlings alot closer to the lights. They look very leggy to me. Put the light about 1/2 from the tallest one. HURRY!! And when you transplant bury them about a 1/2 inch from the cotyledons (those first two leaves you see there.) And you may also want to cut down on your water maybe every 4 or 5 days. You should not actually go by days or weeks just give them water only when they need it. One other thing I am noticing you have many seedlings in some of those pellets you had better seperate them soon before the roots get tangled You will not appreciate the results of trying to seperate them if they get any bigger.

Seem to be more "lack" of light.
As mentioned above, they're very leggy. Although I am not seeing any of the "yellow" you described, so maybe it's just low chlorophyll activity.
Sorry guys this picture is a couple of weeks old i have sine dropped the lights right on top of the seedlings and thinned them out, here are some pics i took today:


Thanks again for any help.
Ed, I'm sorry but it looks as if your growing in a dark cave. My seedlings like as far as long as yours a day after breaking soil. Don't be scared to put your lights almost touching your plants. Maybe get some new bulbs if yours are old. They also look way wet in jiffy cube, maybe next time use a seed starter mix instead. Do you plan on going to a potting soil or are these hydroponic? Hope you can get a handle on things.:rolleyes:
You may need to transplant soon especially if they continue to get taller. Like i said above when you pot up bury them almost to the cotyledons.

Thanks for all the responses, it sounds like using a jiffy cube wasn't the best idea, when I transplant should I remove them from the starter media or plant the whole deal right into the soil?
Ok I took the leap and transplanted the most heathy plants I had to larger Jiffy Pots and drop the lights right on to of them, alot of the plants with yellow leaves were pretty much root bound so maybe this will help.
wow, they were rootbound before even getting their first true leaves? i've never seen that, has anyone else?
as for the watering it does look like they're pretty soggy, when you see the top of the media looking totally dry, wait a day or two (sometimes more) then water. peppers like it on the dry side of moist.