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seeds seedlings leaf curling when taken out of humidity

I bought seeds from THSC for the next season in australia and being the impatient type decided to plant one trinidad scorp and one yellow 7 pot to keep indoors over the winter under lights, I used an old heated aquarium half filled with water and a floating ice-cream container for my jiffy pucks and seeds.
Good news is after about 8 days they both sprouted. Its been a good couple of weeks now and the first true set of leaves are growing and after reading several threads I decided to remove them and put them under lights. I noticed though after about an hour they started to curl the leaves up, now after reading some more threads I have come to the conclusion this is because of high humidity to low humidity.
Should I leave them in the higher humidity where they seem to be growing absolutely fine with the aquarium lights on or remove them and put them under the aquarium lights in room temp and low humidity. If i do the latter will they become accustomed to the low humidity or just curl up and die :(
SeeYouJimmy said:
Got any pics?

decided to put them back in the aquarium under lights, they seemed to like it better. too scared to leave them out.

on a better note my orange habs in the garden are starting to ripen up, i thought they were going to stay green forever, im going to make habanero candy with em
Pictures of my set up, sorry about the poor quality I used my iphone

After germination they shouldn't need much humidity, it could actually lead to a lot of fungal/disease problems. You may want to gradually introduce them to their new environment instaed of completely shocking them with new conditions