seeds Seedlings leafs starting to curl

For the second time this season one of my seedlings is starting to curl its leafs. Like the first time it happens around 3-4 weeks into the life of the seedling.
Can anyone help me identify what's happening?
The seedlings are located in a windowsill. It's not particularly hot. I haven't given them any fertilizer yet.
(sorry about the very large images)


That's not damping,damping will have the seedling fall over,as it rots at the base where the soil makes contact.
Looks like heat burned it,windowsill can get really hot, that happened to me before and it looked the same.
Bhuter said:
It happened to me a few years ago over and over and I was told to stop top watering. I switched to bottom watering and never had the problem again. I was also over watering. So I cut back on that, too.
Please review this thread, Should I snip these cotyledons off?, and note three things... 1. The OP's plant has a similar issue, 2. general consensus is over watered and 3. lite ferts helped. My point is don't reinvent the wheel - follow something that worked. I believe your media is soaked and the cups are sitting in a baggie not allowing the media to dry out. Don't know what the media is, brand or type, but I would look for one with perlite to aerate the media.

Oh, and I wouldn't discount sunburn/heat, how many hours of sunlight does the plant get?

Thanks for your replies. I have tried to cut back on the watering and so far the seedling has only dropped the two large leafs. Fingers crossed.