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seeds Seedlings Wilting! Need Help!

3 of my seedlings have wilted, and I have no clue why. I recently transferred them to a new grow station using 4 T12 Daylight tubes. The soil I'm using is house brand potting soil (no fert). The others seem to be doing great. They are getting plenty of water and temperature is between 80-88 degrees. I have the flourescents about 4 inches from the plants. What do you think it is?



BTW, just added a fan because the temp got to about 90 degrees. Do you think the heat got to them?
That second picture does not look like damping off disease to my eyes, damping off in my experience produces a sharp 90 degree kink at the base of the stem, right at the soil line.

Heck i got some incredibly stubborn white habs to sprout, and i placed some of them near a hot spot under my lights, a little over 90f, and they are starting to wilt like that, it may be too late for them.

If it were me, i would guess temp.

Raising the lights an extra inch may not hurt either, at least until you have that problem sorted out.
Cut WAY WAY back on the water and put a fan blowing in there to give them some fresh air. The fan will also help keep the temps down some.

what kind of potting mix is that? Seems like seedlings would have a hard time pushing through that to grow roots with all that bark and whatnot, it looks hard. The mix looks extremely wet too.
what kind of potting mix is that? Seems like seedlings would have a hard time pushing through that to grow roots with all that bark and whatnot, it looks hard. The mix looks extremely wet too.
He mentioned "house brand" but it looks like forest compost to me, can't tell if there's any peat in there but i wouldn't doubt it.
No bugs that I know of yet. The fan brought it down to 84. I have been watering using a spray bottle on top of the soil. I'm "guessing" the heat baked the little guys after I sprayed them down with the bottle. Also, I read somewhere on here ( I think Josh) that they may not be getting enough water by doing this. Would it be better to bottom water and forget the spray bottle?
I'm using this mixed with 1/4 mushroom compost. I took the pictures right after I watered them. The white particles is corn meal.
With the addition of the fan, I was able to recover 2 out of 3. The problem was definitely the heat. I sprayed a VERY weak Epsom solution at the base of them so we'll see if they make a full recovery. All 3 were Bhuts BTW. The Trinidads and Habaneros didn't seam to mind too much.
OK, so I keep having issues. I have one little guy(Trin scorp) which looks like the leaves dried up. Any clues what's going on? My humidity was like 37% when I got home today from work so I'm thinking this was the issue but not sure. You think the fan dried them out?
Wow, that sucks. I doubt it is the soil, I did a few in forest compost and they are fine, I only used 2 40 watt light bulbs on mine and they are all a few feet high now and with a couple small buds lol. I also started some seeds last summer out in the Vegas 100+ degree weather to overwinter in pots, they did great so I doubt the heat hurt them much, did you perhaps transplant them to soon?
That's a potting mix, not a "seed starting mix." The tiny new roots have a hard time getting through that stuff. It might also have too many nutrients for newborns. Just my 2 cents.
Wow, that sucks. I doubt it is the soil, I did a few in forest compost and they are fine, I only used 2 40 watt light bulbs on mine and they are all a few feet high now and with a couple small buds lol. I also started some seeds last summer out in the Vegas 100+ degree weather to overwinter in pots, they did great so I doubt the heat hurt them much, did you perhaps transplant them to soon?
I transplanted them as soon as they started reaching for the sky (about 2 inches). Was this a bad idea?

That's a potting mix, not a "seed starting mix." The tiny new roots have a hard time getting through that stuff. It might also have too many nutrients for newborns. Just my 2 cents.

OK, I took your advice and replanted a few of the little ones in Jiffy seed starter mix. I haven't been giving them any nutrients except for a very diluted (4-6 crystals in a 16oz bottle)Epsom Salt solution but not on this guy. I noticed the soil was dry till about half way down on a couple of them. Maybe they were thirsty? I have been water feeding them, and it's only been 2 days since last feeding. I'll check on them in the morning and see if this helped. The roots looks nice and white, so maybe I didn't kill it.
That's a potting mix, not a "seed starting mix." The tiny new roots have a hard time getting through that stuff. It might also have too many nutrients for newborns. Just my 2 cents.

thanks muskymojo for pointing out the soil mix issue! :cheers:

That was it. They're rocking and rolling now. I just hope I didn't stunt their growth.