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ok so i have a couple different varietys of pepper seeds and other vegtables if i only want them to stay good for like 1-2 years do they have to be frozen or can i just keep them at room temp in my room? If not then how long will they stay good in my room for? how long will they stay good in the freezer for?

Seeds are good for a couple of years but viability drops off each year. Most max out at 5. Humidity is not good. At the end of the season, I vacuum seal them with those crystal water absorption things and leave them in the freezer until next year.

Check this out: http://news.national...vault-pictures/

Seed Savers Exchange saves a lot of seed stock there.
First, make sure seeds are dry. If picked from fresh pods, or taken from other fresh vegetables, leave anywhere in a paper cup for 30 days to dry out.

Room temp is fine. Put them in a ziplock bags. Purchase food grade desiccant packs - something like this:


Put one pack in each bag with the seeds. Seal the bag. Put all the ziplocks in a large manilla envelope to protect the seeds from light. The pepper seeds and other vegetable seeds will last a lot longer than 1 or 2 years, if stored int his fashion.
Seeds are good for a couple of years but viability drops off each year. Most max out at 5. Humidity is not good. At the end of the season, I vacuum seal them with those crystal water absorption things and leave them in the freezer until next year.

Check this out: http://news.national...vault-pictures/

Seed Savers Exchange saves a lot of seed stock there.
Thanks im going to check out the link now!
First, make sure seeds are dry. If picked from fresh pods, or taken from other fresh vegetables, leave anywhere in a paper cup for 30 days to dry out.

Room temp is fine. Put them in a ziplock bags. Purchase food grade desiccant packs - something like this:


Put one pack in each bag with the seeds. Seal the bag. Put all the ziplocks in a large manilla envelope to protect the seeds from light. The pepper seeds and other vegetable seeds will last a lot longer than 1 or 2 years, if stored int his fashion.
Thanks im going to look into the desiccants they sound like they will be a major plus
drying them out is key though, if you don't, and the moisture inside expands when the seed freezes, you can kill the seed... Dry = good.
Two weeks is plenty of time.Just keep them in a cool dry place and they will last for years. I keep mine in a tupperware in my room and they do fine.