equipment-supplies Semi-automatic Equipment

Hi There,
Longtime reader, first time poster: I was hoping someone has some experience with larger botting and food prep equipment. Mainly industrial blenders, semi automatic filling machines and onion peelers (which are mainly marketed as potato or vegetable peelers).
Have any of you who produce ever ordered any "major" equipment from China directly? What was/were the result(s)? By major I mean for a mainly manual production setup.
:welcome: to THP.
I haven't purchased any pieces of equipment from China, as you are asking about.  I've looked at onion peelers, trying to decide if we were going to scale up or stay at the same production level.  None of what I could find seemed to work.  There a company out of Spokane that posted a filling machine clip on YT, I'll see if I can find the link-

Here's the thread, with the YT video and the name of the machine