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seeds serrano 2009 seeds

i have just bought seeds of about 30 species and im looking forward to growing season. i will plant most of them and whats left i will share. i think i try planting some now to practice and pass the time and then more in march.im not looking for power so they are all sweet to moderate hot:

-banana sweet
-beaver dam
-birds eye 2 seeds
-bulgarian carrot
-cayenne long thin 2 seeds
-cherry sweet
-cherry hot
-dutch chili
-gold cayenne 2 seeds
-golden treasure
-hawaian sweet hot
-hungarian hot wax
-jimmy nardello
-kung pao
-mucho nacho F1
-naga jolokia 2 seeds
-peter pepper red 2 seeds
-piri piri
-pasilla bajio
-serrano huasteco
-shishito japan sweet
-and two local bell peppers
-and 1 mystery seed lol

they should arrive soon. which ones can you recommend for growing at home now? i have glass enclosures with vetilation holes cuz i used to keep scorpions and some heat pads i can use too. they should do fine as mini-greenhouses :)
perhaps i shall start a blog for them too.
You might also check some of the data bases and try some of the ones that will be short plants so they won't outgrow your set up.
and here they are - first sprouts of my test plants! im using soil, sun and heat mat. soon i will sow more so i can transplant them outside 15th may.

Pam said:
try some of the ones that will be short plants so they won't outgrow your set up.

How tall can the plants get before they outgrow your grow area?

I know for a fact the hungarian wax is a fast grower from my last years experience with them.
50cm maybe more. thats not a big problem. im more worried if they have flowers or pods before i can transplant them outside. is it to late to transplant to dirt if they already develope flowers or pods? (thats still a long way to go but i just want to know)
50 cm = ~20" so you should be ok...

you can transplant them any time you want and not worry about damaging the plant. It may get a little transplant shock but it will be ok.
well im planing to start my remaining seeds on friday 13th. im going to soak them in a water with garlic first. i've heard that this helps to kill some viruses that might been on the seeds surface. to you think this is a good idea or is it better to use clean water?