• Everything other than hot peppers. Questions, discussion, and grow logs. Cannabis grow pics are only allowed when posted from a legal juridstiction.

Shane(stc3248)'s nons...

Here are some of the perdies I got going for mama...










Someone help me out with these dudes...they fold up the flowers at night then open in the morning. They are very popular here in the San Diego area, I see them on roadsides growing unattended and in landscaping everywhere...


Here are the flowers once open...


...and a wider shot of the plant. Needs some dead heading. I had this one bedded and recently transplanted into this pot.


Finally put the Zinnias outside...if I loose them, I'll just start more. Sheltering them under my potting table on the back porch at night and moving out to harden during the day for now.


the rest of the lilies went outside too...this one is a Firecracker.


Just the top of one of the lilies...thought it looked cool.

Any help IDing that flower would be great!!!
You da poo Pr0d! Yup that's the one! Had these in a border near the pool deck along with their plant tags. I potted this one and moved the others to reclaim that area for lawn. I threw the plant tags all in a neat pile and mowed the garden down...and sucked up all the plant tags making some nice plastic confetti for the compost pile...Thanks again bruddah!
Spent the day transplanting and potting up some nons, starting some cuttings and prepping some of my veggie and flower beds. Still a lot of work to do, hopefully I can get my son out there weeding since he is off this week...doubt it though!


A couple Christmas Cacti potted up today, some Gladiolus, some Bernini Lilies up next to the house...gonna be cool the next few nights so I moved them all in close for some frost protection. Some Wandering Jew in a hanging basked peeking in from the top and some freshly transplanted Zinnias in the background...


Here are the Zinnias in their new home...sowed a row of Bok Choi (Pak Choi) and a row of Turnips on this side of the spigot...


Should be real happy here if they make it through the rest of winter this is one of my most fertile beds. Only moved them out because they grew faster than I expected and outgrew my grow selves...needed that precious room for my peppers!!! If they don't make it I'll direct sow or start some more in a few weeks.


Hard to see them, but these are snapdraggons in another bed...the white pellets are slug bait, they would be mowed down in a few days without it.


On the shelf are the [background=rgb(255, 244, 228)]Ranunculus on either side of some dwarf Bok Choi (Pac Choi) above the Zinnias...sowed some chives in the front of this bed.[/background]


Dolly Madison Lilies...

While clearing my beds today in a corner near a compost pile I found something surprising...I know this is the non area...but since they came up in my flower bed???




Small ornamental Thai Chilis...Its Socal and all, but its been down in the mid 20's and a record cold winter here. No direct protection overhead and I am scraping ice off my window every morning here??? A little disturbing since I had severe Virus issues with my peppers last year to know that some are still kicking as volunteers. Going to be tough to keep my grow clean. I cleaned up several dozen pods all over the yard, some had already been mowed over, cracked and seeds everywhere...I know its not the organic way to go, but I think I will be hitting my yard with broad leaf weed killer every few weeks throughout the season to prevent another outbreak.

Hope you all had a Kick-A weekend...especially if you had a three day like me!
Very nice looking flowers, your mama will be really happy when she gets them!

I didn't realize dogs grew like flowers ;)
Not for my mama...but for mama...the wifey. She sees them everyday, but she's only allowed to look at them. She has 10 brown thumbs...but likes fresh flowers. Growing the perdy stuff makes her less agitated about all my pepper plants.

Oh...and that pup is 12 years old. Still acts like a pup though! He does more to tear the plants down than build them up for sure.
Here are a few more...

Straw Flower...


Straw Flower


A collection of stuff for mama...






Don't remember???


Don't Remember???


A bed of Gazania with seeds for Cosmos along the fence and Zinnas in front of that yet to pop in this picture...may find them up today??? A row of Alyssum up front...Still need to mulch this one in.

I also have lilies open out there and some other stuff...I will try to get some pics of them all this weekend.
Tranquil Shane, they're all beautiful and healthy plants. I planted some non seeds but I think my grow box is too warm for them to germinate. It says 3 weeks to germ but it also says 60-70 degrees and my box sits between 80-90...might have to just sow them by a windowsill.

Love the non "glog" you're a busy boy.