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Shipping sauce to Canada

Is this advisable?

I just made another batch of my "Narly Morich" last night.

This stuff will eat the enamel off your teeth :)

Anyway, my step-son lives in BC and he loves the hot stuff.
I'd love to ship him a bottle of my sauce but I'm afraid of Canada Customs
screwing it up.

Do they permit home made sauces to be shipped into Canada?

Incidentally, I was able to ship a large 1 qt bottle of my Caribbean Red Habanero
sauce (My son named "Chemical X") to my other son in the US Marine Corps
currently serving in Ramadi, Iraq.

Apparently, theres now a butt-load of Marines in Iraq that are all nuts for
Chemical X. :-)

This didnt have to go through customs though, as our care packages are transported
by the Marine Corps over to the troops abroad.