chinense Sick Bhut ?

One of my Bhut's leaves have started to get a little yellow around the crinkles, this one always had curly leaves from the start, a couple others also have curly leaves but are fine.
I also noticed that it started to put out flower buds, but the buds turned brown and dropped off before they grew much.
I looked but haven't seen any insects etc, also is there any explanation why some plants come out with more curly leaves than others ? They are all growing in the same medium etc.


Dried up flower buds

Strong plant with buds
Your plant seems to have the same symptoms as red hab. I potted up to a three Gal. pot. It was pretty root bound. What I noticed as I was removing it from the old pot was that water was running from the drain holes when I squeezed it to loosen it. I water at night about every 3 days or so. I have been using the "Pam test" for watering(poke your finger down about 2" and see if it's wet). I think I need longer fingers. The soil was way too wet.
Hope that helps.
Looks nutritional to me, and this is one of those times that Miracle Gro is actually a good idea. Get some Miracle Gro for Tomatoes and give the plants a shot or two, then go back to your regular fertilizing routine.

Miracle Gro is a complete fertilizer, it does have all the micro and macro nutrients needed by the plant. It's like giving a candy bar to an athlete, though; the quick burst of sugar can help them get over a hump, but nothing can replace the hours of slow conditioning.