Sick OW Reaper

Got my first reaper last spring from CCN. Knew it would grow slowly so put it in its own pot with plans of overwintering. Had one ripe fruit in October which is my avatar.
Trimed it back and brought it in fot the winter without repotting, changing soil or doing anything else. It was in a west facing window in my living room. Fought aphids and won, watered when completely dry. It wasn't very happy but survived.

A month ago started seeing new growth so fertilized every other watering switching off 1/2 strength fish emulsion and bud and bloom. It's very sad, wrinkled discolored leaves etc. yesterday I repotted in a larger pot with fresh potting soil and perlite. Hopefully where it will live for the summer, if it lives.

My thinking is no more ferts until it looks better and becomes acclimated. Have been hardening it off in the older pot for the last few weeks and will bring it in on nights below 50 or so.

Thoughts and advice? I've put a lot of time into her and don't want to lose her.

I see signs of new growth at the nodes. if all else fails and things get really bad, you could top and trim,( perspective indicates possibly a little straggly) cut back on neuts till it acclimates to growing conditions again.
Has it been loosing growth?
Been growing, but then the leaves turn sickly. Haven't fertilized in two weeks. Thought about cutting it way back as a last resort. How much foliage should I leave? At this point is sun good or bad?
The new growth starts off ok bur quickly deteriorate.

Could be a fungus as well as a nutrient imbalance. OWs have to be treated like young first year plants when exposing them to the sun, especially those with foliage. You have to go through a hardening off period just the same.
I'd cut back all the sickly foliage.. Leave the freshest foliage and re-cut your OW stems to the living sections to re-engage the plants repair system..
I'm not to good at Identifying problems but have had good results with a preventative program.
Looks like more than one thing including sun or fertilizer burn and though it's early for a blight but maybe.
Probably wouldn't hurt to Snip off bad areas on leaves or entire leaves to let the energy go to new growth.
For preventing problems:
I always spray weekly with Spray n Gro.  It's a micro nutrient complex that I hope never to be without. It's an insurance policy for my plants.
Epsom Salt-1T /per gallon of water every other week Or Cal Mag
Alternater weeks - Something like MG, MG for tomatoes, or Fish Emulsion
1x month A little sulfer scratched into your soil 
For container soil I like 1 part loam 1part gro mix 1 part compost/aged manure mix, then add some extra perlite, and lime.
KrakenPeppers said:
I'd cut back all the sickly foliage.. Leave the freshest foliage and re-cut your OW stems to the living sections to re-engage the plants repair system..
Kraken, at this point that would leave me with a nub in the soil. I'm pretty sure it's terminal.

Since I repotted with fresh soil Saturday it has gotten no better. In fact now have crunchy dropping leaves. I've let the soil dry almost completely so thinking to water throughly, keep out of the sun and cold and pray.

The only other thought is an H2O2 watering. Any use?
Alynne said:
Kraken, at this point that would leave me with a nub in the soil. I'm pretty sure it's terminal.

Since I repotted with fresh soil Saturday it has gotten no better. In fact now have crunchy dropping leaves. I've let the soil dry almost completely so thinking to water throughly, keep out of the sun and cold and pray.

The only other thought is an H2O2 watering. Any use?
It should only be an inch or so to get to some living stem surely.. Saying that.. I have cut back several failing plants to nothing but stem, the leaves were all just ruined and falling off all over the place..... watered less but nothing else changed and they have started really bushing out with lush new foliage.. I had one that I thought wasn't going to bounce back after about 3 weeks though, I went out yesterday and noticed the first new nodes of foliage starting.. so it looks like 100% success so far.
Here's a few pics of the results of a FULL cut back.. no foliage..

Was about a 3 foot tall Peach Bhut plant... Cut back at the same time the next image was, didn't think it was going to recover but as you can see, tiny little nodes are growing now weeks later.

This White bhut was a lot quicker to recover, also cut back to stem only. so this could be a last ditched effort like mine were.. The foliage was literally falling off .. 
*** Placed in shaded corner of a hothouse and left there till it recovered..
Alynne said:
Gave it an H2O2 dump. After that it's on its own. How do I get emoticons?
Never hurts in correct doses, just oxygenates the soil if nothing else..  Emoticons are on PC.. Are you using the mobile version of the site ??
I was having terrible black spot like this a little while ago...bought some copper spray and never looked back.  Removed the really bad leaves and have not had a repeat so far.  It was worth the money.
KrakenPeppers said:
Never hurts in correct doses, just oxygenates the soil if nothing else..  Emoticons are on PC.. Are you using the mobile version of the site ??
Regular version but on the iPad. Thought that might be it.