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Sick Plants!? I need some opinions

Hey Everyone,
I have noticed some serious spotting and leaf curl on one of my tomato plants, and some of my peppers are starting to curl their leaf edges upward, Im pretty positive the tomato plant has a virus due to the yellow spots and new growth curling, my main concern is making sure this does not spread to my peppers and destroy them as well. here are some pics, most of my peppers seem very healthy however on the close ups you will see the edge curls on a few.
Thanks for any help or advice.


Tomato plant

curl and leaf puckering on chile plants


group shot
heres a healthy brandywine tomato plant (although it has some yellow spots I think from leaf miners cause theres a trail zig-zagging on the leaf) that were kept next to sick better boy. figures that the hybrid disease resistant better boy is the one that got sick, lol my brandywines are from saved seed from plants that I got 10+ years ago from wifes cousin in Pennsylvania been saving seeds every year so I guess they are my own heirloom strain

that doesnt look too bad at all
The 1st pic def shows the tomato plant needs some nutes. Probaily calcium
the pic of the chillis look okay to me. they may be showing EARLY signs of calcium deficiency (bumpy leaves, curled or shriveled new growth) but if treated now should be fine. repot them with some dolomite lime added (but watch the PH after u add the lime)
Dont look too bad to me either. Not sure about the yellow spots, maybe just water droplets left on the leaf causing some burn, but the leaf roll looks like the one described in this link:http://www.ksre.ksu.edu/dp_hfrr/extensn/problems/Tomatoleafroll.htm

It is just a physiological response to stress and will correct itself over time. Some causes are too much top growth compared to root growth, root damage due to hoeing (or maybe transplanting) or not enough air in the root zone due to too much moisture.

Good luck!
thanks bennoz , I was a little worried,I will definatley add some lime. I have been giving them all the same nutes for the most part usually Alaska fish fert, or some of my hydro nute (flora nova) which seemed to work really well on my potted plants as well as my hydro ones.
thanks for the info jacob, I think your prob right, its problem a combo of stress and some lackof calcium like bennoz said, I will be putting the plants that seem affected into their permanent spots tommorow, so I will be sure to address the calcium issue, not sure I do anything about the stress or root issue, I have some bloodmeal I can add that should help the roots a bit when I transplant.
Actually bloodmeal is high in Nitrogen and may make the root issue worse. The issue is mostly not enough roots to supply the leaves. Might be better to use bonemeal. It has a slow release calcium and is high in Phosphorus, which is good for roots. If it is leaf roll due to the roots, you usually don't have to do anything though as it sends a signal to the plant to produce more roots will generally correct itself in a week or two. I have it on some plants every year and it doesn't seem to effect production at all and will grow out of it.

The leaf curling looks like it could be due to a lack of calcium.
I used to have plants start to do that before I started using bone meal.
Thanks for all the helpful info guys, I guess I was just being paranoid lol, probably caused by the fact that I had recently been reading about different plant viruses and I lost a few jalapenos yesterday to damping off .
I didnt have much if any leaf curl issues last year, I did have some yellowing and spots last year but that didnt seem to affect anything, I just got worried when I saw those leaves curling up I thought it was some sort of "death curl" lol
