Sickly looking Queen Laurie - suggestions??


Here's my only Queen Laurie.  It took a long time to germinate and has never seemed to thrive as have my other plants.
I'd really like to try these peppers.  It's been treated to the same soil, lighting, etc conditions all along as my other peppers.
It is now planted it the same raised bed with many of my other peppers.  The soil I had made up for last season.  I mixed topsoil, peat, bagged composted manure, some potting mix and a little sand.  I just tried to employ a little common sense as to the proportions.
It was nice and loose this year after just a bit of hoeing.  Divided between the beds, I added 3 bags of Miracle  Mix Garden Soil and about 40 gallons of compost I had made since last year.
Before planting soil tested pH about 6.5. nitrogen and potassium were medium and phosphorus was a little high.
Any thoughts on what I might try to perk it up a bit?

QL is front bed, bake row,second from right corner.