"sinus" sauce

can anyone give me the basic needs for hot sauce to have that sinus cleaning feeling from hotsauce? i made it once before, and i did not write down the recipe.
wasabe is what does that to me. i get a runny nose sometimes from peppers but never that blast of fumes that cleans your sinus like wasabe/horseradish. 
A butch t puree will have that affect you desire. Eat a tsp and your nose will be running so bad that it will likely drain your sinuses right out :D
if you hand grind dried toasted Piquins or Habaneros in a molcajete the pepper particles in the air will make your sinuses clean and even make you tear. It happens all the time to me.
Any sauce made from habaneros or scotch bonnets should clear you out nicely without burning up your mouth too bad.

I'be always had bad sinuses and chilies have been a real god-send. Instant relief, baby! Screw "Claratin Clear". I prefer to be "Capsicum Clear"!