Sip Buckets in Phoenix an Observation

Some background. In Phoenix the water reads at 400 + ppm.  The other thing is that it gets below freezing 0-6 days out of the year.
I did SIP buckets last year and the plants did awesome. It also turned out to be the most water efficient way to grow plants. Well I never took my plants out of the SIP bukets. I planted very few new plants this year. This augustthe old plants in SIP buckets looked terrible and some even died. The ones I transferred to the ground were great but the rest looked horrible.  Well when I got to cleaning up and moving plants it became obvious. There was too much salt in the soil. It was hard and had turned pale. I did try to flush the buckets out once in a while but it obviously didn't work. 
I still like SIP buckets but you need to cut the roots and put in fresh soil if you try to keep your plants more than a year.
That's al.l I hope it helps