• Blog your pepper progress. The first image in your first post will be used to represent your Glog.


Well, all of the plants(except 2) have been in the ground for a while now. I can't say they are doing great, but, not bad. You can't change the weather. 200+ pepper plants plus tomatoes and tomatillos in the pepper areas.

Just picked a bunch of Devils Brains.

And a pretty good pile of Cajun Belles.

Well, off to pick some others.
Looking good there , take some close up pictures of the plants or even better a video :d

Probably pics of some plants this weekend.
And, some of my Cherry Bombs(already made about 3 quarts of my quick relish with ones picked previously).

Some Bulgarian Carrots.

A few Sheep Nose Pimento.

And a few Palmyra sweet peppers.
Just picked a few Farmers Jalapenos today.

I cut one up to try it.......

Virtually NO heat, very disapointing, cool to grow, but with no heat they will not make next years grow list. I will try ones off other plants before the final axing.