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slow growing in the midwest?

Granted a nuked mine a bit with some weedkill, but even some of my peppers that didn't get hit much at all just aren't doing anything. My habs haven't even flowered...only one jalapeno from 4 plants yet...Santakas have peppers, but have been green for a while...banana peppers have only done 3 so far off of 4 plants. Not sure if it has been the intense heat/drought that we've been in the past few weeks? Looking to see if anyone else have been having slow growing blues?

i am in iowa and my 6 red hab plants all have 30-50 pods and they are all begining to ripen i am on schedule from my sow date i wrote down aug 5th for harvest and looks to be about right on the money.
i sowed my seed in mid march

best of luck on the rest of your season

Mine seem to have slowed down quite a bit from the intense heat, but they're taking off again now with the rain (finally), lower temps, and the liquid karma + more shade.