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Slow roasting Habeneros?



Do you have to post a new thread every day?


But, seriously, roasting habs smell wonderful.

I would grill or smoke them though. Halved.
cheezydemon said:


Do you have to post a new thread every day?


But, seriously, roasting habs smell wonderful.

I would grill or smoke them though. Halved.
Who cares, if I post too much? I will not be posting hardly any more once I start college.
PhatManDerek said:
If I slow roast habenero with stem, and seeds intact will I get that awful smell Iggy was talking about some time ago?

The awful smell is produced in the sphincter after consumption of slow-roated habs. If you're doing it right.
It wasn't an aweful smell (b/c I can't smell ;) ), it's was the fact that the capscaicin boils off into the air and will irritate your lungs and eyes.
imaguitargod said:
It wasn't an aweful smell (b/c I can't smell ;) ), it's was the fact that the capscaicin boils off into the air and will irritate your lungs and eyes.
LOL, way ahead of you Iggy, I roasted them on the iron skillet :)

And after all that it cleared my lungs very nicely since I have some what of a cold.
No offense meant brother! That is what the ;) means.

Indeed some people are more susceptible than others to the spice in the air.
cheezydemon said:
No offense meant brother! That is what the ;) means.

Indeed some people are more susceptible than others to the spice in the air.
No worries man, All I know they taste much much better and they got a better flavor!

By the way I had my mom try my salsa and I told her it was very hot but give it a try, She did and she liked it but she hates the heat! Her face turned red for about 3 5 seconds and she sweated a little bit.

By the way All I get now is the brow sweat!
I roast a lot of them for salsa in the summer on my grill. Eliminates the fumes problem in the house, and gives them that great grill flavor.

You were the one posting about iron skillets for smoking right?

It is best to season an iron skillet on the grill, for the same reasons JT mentioned.

I also fry in my best skillet whenever possible. It adds a layer of seasoning as a kinda freebee when you fry, nothing sticks.
like others have said I cut mine in half (long ways) and slow smoke them. Great flavor!! I know when I used to live in apartments they let us use the smoker as long as we were X amount of feet away from the building, but they also make a stove top smoke now for in door use (always an option) When I smoke them I usually add an onion (thin sliced)and fresh garlic and roast it all together. After I dry everything I grind it all together. Works really great.
cheezydemon said:

You were the one posting about iron skillets for smoking right?

It is best to season an iron skillet on the grill, for the same reasons JT mentioned.

I also fry in my best skillet whenever possible. It adds a layer of seasoning as a kinda freebee when you fry, nothing sticks.

Dyce51 said:
like others have said I cut mine in half (long ways) and slow smoke them. Great flavor!! I know when I used to live in apartments they let us use the smoker as long as we were X amount of feet away from the building, but they also make a stove top smoke now for in door use (always an option) When I smoke them I usually add an onion (thin sliced)and fresh garlic and roast it all together. After I dry everything I grind it all together. Works really great.
My hab spice turned out nice guys, By the way I can't have a smoker here but when I get my own house I'm buying a damn big isle one, that THP posted a while back!