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SLUGS !!!!!! *#$@

so I'm sure that others have posted about this, but I thought I'd share my experience here anyway!
last year was my first time growing and my annum patch was infested w/ slugs, the bastards were chewing on my anaheims, cayennes, jalapenos and hungarian waxes, so I went online and found that cheap beer traps were a safe and effective way to kill them in fact I snagged over a 100 of those evil F@#$ers! last season. I wasn't to upset about the damaged is was only some annuums after all. This season however, i was out of town for 6 days and came back to find that many of my superhots were being chewed on by those little devils, needless to say I went out and bought a six pack of coors( the cheapest beer the local grocery carries) and made myself another couple of beer traps, I am happy to report that in the last 2 days I have murdered and sent to hell 18 of those foul creatures!
Here's to the silver bullet!
you can also use copper tape! make lile loops arond the base of your plants the astrip of tape around it and the slugs/snails wont cross it, paired with coors, good to go!
Iron phosphate works miracles. Organic as well (OMRI listed) but despite the label, be careful if you have pets. Though they say it is safe around edibles, I keep it well away from the root zones. Think it goes by the name Slug-O or something.

this year there seem to be quite a few here in PA but they are not really doing any damage. Nonetheless, I do a late-night walk through the rows, especially after a rain, to see if their population or size has increased. At my side is a spray bottle with 50% vinegar, 50% water. I hit 'em with a spray of that and they're done. If they're on the plant, I knock them off and enjoy the feeling of squishing them under my shoe.

Good luck!