beer SMaSH Experiment with new hops: Calypso hops

Well MoreBeer got some Calypso hops in and I have heard nothing but positives.  To get the flavor profile of the hop I am doing two 5 gallon batches with them in SMaSH recipes
Its a basic recipe:
12lbs of Marris Otter
OG should be ~1.061, FG should be down around ~1.010 for ~%6.3 ABV
Running hop additions at 
1oz @ 60 minutes
1oz @ 10 minutes
3oz @ flameout
4oz @ 5 day dry hop
Time to see the character
Oh the only difference between the two patches is that one batch is getting an additional 1oz of Whole hops as a first wort addition which is whats in the pic below:
Ozzy2001 said:
Nice. I've wanted to try that first wort. Curious to see how much different it turns out.
First wort always, at least for me, produces a more smooth bitterness then just straight boil additions.
grantmichaels said:
I'm assuming this is 4 and 5 oz per five gal batch, and not 9 and 10 oz respectively, right? ...

Hurd ya'll like hops over there and all ...
Correct, that was per batch (5 Gallon) :)  Yes we do love our hops.  This is my 12.2% Triple IPA i was a 6 gallon batch that was dry hopped with 10oz of hops ;)

wheebz said:
pretty excited for this
that is like the exact, i mean EXACT hop schedule I would use for a hop showcase like that
and I love Calypso
heck ya! :)  I like to think I learned something over the last 4 years of all grain homebrewing heh
Grant you doing yeast starters with a stir plate yet?
I forgot to update, the brew is in the fermenter.  The calypso hop blast at flamout smelled amazing.  I cannot wait for this beer to be done.
My OG was a little higher than expected at 1.068 but ill take it.