• Blog your pepper progress. The first image in your first post will be used to represent your Glog.


Under Construction
(75) seedlings.
Yep Im growing for Pepper Joe
Seedlings already started and about 2 inches tall only Datils this year.Ill add pic's as it progresses.
Following...want to see how Datil's do in the high heat and low humidity you have there. :fireball: GL!
They stopped producing for me last year around July and didn't start again until late Sept. Mine had about 6 hours of sun morning to @1-2pm. My buddy grew his in only morning sun (eastern exposure) and they never stopped producing.

Are you going to shade them?
Nice man! The pepper I'm looking forward to the most this year is Datils. They should grow good too, I hope, since I'm about 25 minutes from where they originate.
Following...want to see how Datil's do in the high heat and low humidity you have there. :fireball: GL!
They stopped producing for me last year around July and didn't start again until late Sept. Mine had about 6 hours of sun morning to @1-2pm. My buddy grew his in only morning sun (eastern exposure) and they never stopped producing.

Are you going to shade them?

Checking it out for this reason too.
Well if i can figure out this weather they are droping like flys well Ill see how many make it as of now about 10 of the 40 are gone.
Well crap thats a bust just got home went out to look how there doing and I can only count (4) thats right ony four are left? what the hech?
That's a bummer. Sorry to hear it. Did they keel over, or are they just gone (as in something ate them)?
?gone but dident think of something? Eating them?dang Ima invest in some chicken wire dang it some lessons are hard dident even think about that this Saturday me and the pellet gun are on a mission...
Well the growing for pepperjoe went south but that opens a new door to grow a good variety and keep the ghost pepper I have so with that being said Ive lost a branch ;-( (ghost pepper)


But Ive added to the garden
Wht bullet habanero
Yellow brain strain
Trinidad scorpion
Yellow corn
Caribbean red(1)
Congo Trinidad(2)
datil (5)
And another
Wht bullet habanero
You should strip the lower leaves and stick that limb in some water. It might root.