food Smoked bhut jolokia kimchee

I started off fermenting this kimchee about 2 weeks ago, and it's awesome and HOT!

First off - take half a napa cabbage, remove the hard bits at the base of the cabbage and remove any discoloured leaves on the outside. Slice the cabbage into bite size pieces.

Prepare a brine by mixing one cup of salt to 8 cups of water.
The cabbage needs to soak in this brine for 5 hours or so until it turns soft and rubbery.


In the meantime, you need to prepare the marinade.
1 apple
1 onion
1 bulb of garlic

Peel all and cut into small pieces. Put them in a liquidizer/food processor until smooth.

1 tablespoon of ginger paste
50ml of rice wine (optional)
40g of Korean red pepper flakes
1 tablespoon of sugar
2 tablespoon of fish sauce or dashi
2 teaspoons of smoked bhut jolokia powder


Mix well.

Start to julienne some daikon/white raddish and set to one side.

Slice up 6 green onions into 4 inch long pieces, slicing the white parts finer. Set aside.

Once enough time has passed, you need to remove the cabbage from the brine and wash in cold water several times.
Once washed and drained, place in a large bowl.. You will notice the cabbage has shrunk considerably.

Sprinkle dried/salted shrimp on the cabbage leaves.

Add the raddish and green onions to the bowl as well and pour the marinade over.

Get on some rubber gloves and mix well, making sure that the marinade gets between the leaves.

Add to a crock/jar and leave at room temperature for 24 hours to start off fermentation. After 24 hours, move to somewhere cool for 2-3 weeks.


How long you let it ferment is up to you. The longer its left, the more sour it will go. I like it sour!
CAUTION : You will periodically need to release the build up of carbon dioxide, or the jar may explode. Make sure you leave some head space in the jar as it will rise up during fermentation.

To stop/slow fermentation, remove and place in smaller jars in the fridge. It needs to be eaten in 2-3 weeks.

Hi G
Nice to see another kimchi-head here. Most folks who have tried it here have had the commercial varieties that are too salty and sour and I think it puts them off. Cheers
I LOVE kimchee!

Have kimchee and a fried egg between two bits of toast, it's incredible!

We're gonna have kimchee Chigae hot pot for dinner tonight. Awesome winter food, I pretty much lived on it last winter - you don't need to put the heating on after that!
Yeah, and I think Kimchi is the perfect food for cold and flu season too. What's not to like... between the chiles and fermented cabbage it has mega-doses of vitamin C, the capsaicin is a mood elevator and it keeps the tubes clear, and it's loaded with probiotics to help re-balance the gut flora and push out the nasties. Making kimchi is what led me to grow chiles in the first place.
If there's one common trend in my nutrition, I eat alot of fermented stuff!

I have made the mistake of having kimchee at breakfast.. Every burp for the rest of the day reminds you of breakfast ;)
If there's one common trend in my nutrition, I eat alot of fermented stuff!

I have made the mistake of having kimchee at breakfast.. Every burp for the rest of the day reminds you of breakfast ;)
You make that sound like it's a bad thing... :P Reminds me of my days in the army... when I made SP/4 I moved off post and shared an apartment with another SP/4 from my unit. Money was occasionally tight and we had to make do with what food was in the house. I remember one Sunday morning after the Saturday night before when all we had to eat was Rice Crispies and Beer... so it was Snap, Crackle and Burp that morning...