food Smoked habanero powder Snapper fillets

We tried this with our own smoked habanero powder & some snapper fillets
1 1/2 lbs snapper fillets
1/2 cup Florida honey
1 1/2 cup Florida OJ
1/2 cup Florida lime juice
1 tsp salt
smoked Habanero powder to taste

Score fillets in checkerboard fashion
combine oj, lime juice. & honey & mix well. Place fish in mixture & marinate for an hour in the fridge. Add salt to habanero powder mix.

Apply Habanero powder mixture liberally to top of fillets
cook fillets till fish flakes
Heat remaining marinade to boiling for 5 minutes and use as sauce for fish
kato said:
We tried this with our own smoked habanero powder & some snapper fillets
1 1/2 lbs snapper fillets
1/2 cup Florida honey
1 1/2 cup Florida OJ
1/2 cup Florida lime juice
1 tsp salt
smoked Habanero powder to taste

Score fillets in checkerboard fashion
combine oj, lime juice. & honey & mix well. Place fish in mixture & marinate for an hour in the fridge. Add salt to habanero powder mix.

Apply Habanero powder mixture liberally to top of fillets
cook fillets till fish flakes
Heat remaining marinade to boiling for 5 minutes and use as sauce for fish

Mick, we want to try that recipe... since we don't have any of your hab flakes, dya think the Fusion Fire would make a good substitute?

Tina Brooks said:
kato said:
We tried this with our own smoked habanero powder & some snapper fillets
1 1/2 lbs snapper fillets
1/2 cup Florida honey
1 1/2 cup Florida OJ
1/2 cup Florida lime juice
1 tsp salt
smoked Habanero powder to taste

Score fillets in checkerboard fashion
combine oj, lime juice. & honey & mix well. Place fish in mixture & marinate for an hour in the fridge. Add salt to habanero powder mix.

Apply Habanero powder mixture liberally to top of fillets
cook fillets till fish flakes
Heat remaining marinade to boiling for 5 minutes and use as sauce for fish

Mick, we want to try that recipe... since we don't have any of your hab flakes, dya think the Fusion Fire would make a good substitute?


I like the sound of it too, Tina. I've asked Mick if he plans to make his smoked hab. powder available to the response (I think he wants to keep it all to himself...although he did include a vial in with my order :D )
My problem is getting fresh seafood. Most of my life, I thought I didn't like fish...until I started spending more time on the coast. Now, I realize that I only like fresh seafood. Around here, that limits me to trout. I'm going to try that recipe with trout, and see how it turns out. I think I have some smoked habs from last year's crop, so I'll put them in the coffee grinder and see how they work.
Thanks for the recipe!
staffing said:
Tina Brooks said:
kato said:
We tried this with our own smoked habanero powder & some snapper fillets
1 1/2 lbs snapper fillets
1/2 cup Florida honey
1 1/2 cup Florida OJ
1/2 cup Florida lime juice
1 tsp salt
smoked Habanero powder to taste

Score fillets in checkerboard fashion
combine oj, lime juice. & honey & mix well. Place fish in mixture & marinate for an hour in the fridge. Add salt to habanero powder mix.

Apply Habanero powder mixture liberally to top of fillets
cook fillets till fish flakes
Heat remaining marinade to boiling for 5 minutes and use as sauce for fish

Mick, we want to try that recipe... since we don't have any of your hab flakes, dya think the Fusion Fire would make a good substitute?


I like the sound of it too, Tina. I've asked Mick if he plans to make his smoked hab. powder available to the response (I think he wants to keep it all to himself...although he did include a vial in with my order :D )
My problem is getting fresh seafood. Most of my life, I thought I didn't like fish...until I started spending more time on the coast. Now, I realize that I only like fresh seafood. Around here, that limits me to trout. I'm going to try that recipe with trout, and see how it turns out. I think I have some smoked habs from last year's crop, so I'll put them in the coffee grinder and see how they work.
Thanks for the recipe!

Mmmmmmmmm, I am a seafood girl through and through, here in Canada we call it having salt in the blood. But I'm not foolish, I'll take trout, I don't care if it's never seen the sea, it's my favourite fish!
